This version of GitHub Enterprise will be discontinued on This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2020-05-23. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Article version: Enterprise Server 2.17

About enterprise accounts

With GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you can create an enterprise account to enable collaboration between your organizations, while giving administrators a single point of visibility and management.

Enterprise accounts are available with GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server.

In this article

About enterprise accounts

An enterprise account allows you to manage multiple GitHub organizations and GitHub Enterprise Server instances. Your enterprise account must have a handle, like an organization or personal account on GitHub. Enterprise administrators can manage settings and preferences, like:

  • Member access and management (organization members, outside collaborators)
  • Billing and usage (GitHub Enterprise Server instances, user licenses, Git LFS packs)
  • Security (single sign-on, two factor authentication)
  • Requests and support bundle sharing with GitHub Enterprise Support

Enterprise accounts are currently available to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server customers paying by invoice. Billing for all of the organizations and GitHub Enterprise Server instances connected to your enterprise account is aggregated into a single bill. For more information about managing your GitHub Enterprise Cloud subscription, see "Viewing the subscription and usage for your enterprise account." For more information about managing your GitHub Enterprise Server billing settings, see "Managing billing for GitHub Enterprise."

For more information about the differences between GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise Server, see "GitHub's products." To upgrade to GitHub Enterprise or to get started with an enterprise account, contact GitHub's Sales team.

For more information about member access and management, see "Managing users in your enterprise account."

Managing organizations linked to your enterprise account

Organizations are shared accounts where groups of people can collaborate across many projects at once. Owners can manage member access to the organization's data and projects with sophisticated security and administrative features. For more information, see "About organizations."

Enterprise owners can create organizations and link them to the enterprise. After you add organizations to your enterprise account, you can manage and enforce the organizations' policies. Specific enforcement options vary by setting; generally, you can choose to enforce a single policy for every organization in your enterprise account or allow owners to set policy on the organization level.

For more information, see "Managing organizations in your enterprise account" and "Setting policies for organizations in your enterprise account."

Managing GitHub Enterprise Server licenses linked to your enterprise account

GitHub Enterprise administrators can use an enterprise account to view and manage user licenses on their GitHub Enterprise Server instance. To get started with an enterprise account, contact GitHub's Sales team, and see "Managing your GitHub Enterprise license."

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