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Updating a user's SAML NameID


When an account's NameID changes on your identity provider (IdP) and the person can no longer sign into your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must update the NameID mapping on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

About updates to users' SAML NameID

In some situations, you may need to update values associated with a person's account on your SAML IdP. If that identifier is also the NameID that you use for authentication on GitHub Enterprise Server, you must update the NameID mapping on your instance so the person can continue to authenticate successfully. For more information, see "Username considerations for external authentication."

Updating a user's SAML NameID

Enterprise owners can update a user's SAML NameID on a GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

  1. GitHub Enterprise Server の管理アカウントから、任意のページの右上隅の をクリックします。


  2. [サイト管理者] ページにま� 表示されていない� �合は、左上隅の [サイト管理者] をクリックします。

    [サイト管理者] リンクのスクリーンショット

  3. In the left sidebar, click All users. "All users" sidebar item in site administrator settings

  4. In the list of users, click the username you'd like to update the NameID mapping for. Username in list of instance user accounts

  5. ページの右上隅にある [セキュリティ] をクリックします。 [セキュリティ] タブ

  6. To the right of "Update SAML NameID", click Edit . "Edit" button under "SAML authentication" and to the right of "Update SAML NameID"

  7. In the "NameID" field, type the new NameID for the user. "NameID" field in modal dialog with NameID typed

  8. Click Update NameID. "Update NameID" button under updated NameID value within modal