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Backing up and restoring GitHub Enterprise Server with GitHub Actions enabled

To restore a backup of your GitHub Enterprise Server instance when GitHub Actions is enabled, you must configure GitHub Actions before restoring the backup with GitHub Enterprise Server Backup Utilities.

About backups of GitHub Enterprise Server when using GitHub Actions

You can use GitHub Enterprise Server Backup Utilities to back up and restore the data and configuration for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to a new instance. For more information, see "Configuring backups on your appliance."

However, not all the data for GitHub Actions is included in these backups. GitHub Actionsは、ワークフローの成果物とログを保存するのに外部ストレージを使用します。 このデータは、Azure blob storage、Amazon S3、MinIOなどの外部プロバイダに保存されます。 その結果、GitHub Enterprise ServerのバップアップとGitHub Enterprise ServerのHigh Availability構成は、この外部ストレージに保存されたデータに対する保護を提供せず、そのかわりにAzureやAWSといった外部ストレージのプロバイダが提供するデータ保護及びレプリケーションに依存します。

Restoring a backup of GitHub Enterprise Server when GitHub Actions is enabled

To restore a backup of your GitHub Enterprise Server instance with GitHub Actions, you must manually configure network settings and external storage on the destination instance before you restore your backup from GitHub Enterprise Server Backup Utilities.

  1. Confirm that the source instance is offline.

  2. Manually configure network settings on the replacement GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Network settings are excluded from the backup snapshot, and are not overwritten by ghe-restore. For more information, see "Configuring network settings."

  3. SSH into the destination instance. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)."

    $ ssh -p 122 admin@HOSTNAME
  4. Configure the destination instance to use the same external storage service for GitHub Actions as the source instance by entering one of the following commands.

    • Azure Blob Storage:

      ghe-config "azure"
    • Amazon S3:

      ghe-config "s3"
  5. Configure the external storage connection by entering the following commands, replacing the placeholder values with actual values for your connection.

    • Azure Blob Storage:

      ghe-config "CONNECTION STRING"
    • Amazon S3:

      ghe-config "S3 BUCKET NAME"
      ghe-config "S3 SERVICE URL"
      ghe-config "S3 ACCESS KEY ID"
      ghe-config "S3 ACCESS SECRET"

      Optionally, to force path-style addressing for S3, also enter the following command.

      ghe-config true
  6. To prepare to enable GitHub Actions on the destination instance, enter the following command.

    ghe-config app.actions.enabled true
  7. To apply the configuration and enable GitHub Actions to connect to your external storage provider, enter the following command.

  8. After GitHub Actions is configured and enabled, to restore the rest of the data from the backup, use the ghe-restore command. For more information, see "Restoring a backup."

  9. Re-register your self-hosted runners on the destination instance. For more information, see "Adding self-hosted runners."