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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-10-12. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの向上、新機能の向上を図るために、最新バージョンの GitHub Enterprise にアップグレードします。 アップグレードに関するヘルプについては、GitHub Enterprise サポートにお問い合わせく� さい

About GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub Enterprise Server is a software development platform that you can host in a private environment.

About GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub Enterprise Server は、エンタープライズ内のソフトウェア開発用のセルフホステッド プラットフォー� です。 Your team can use GitHub Enterprise Server to build and ship software using Git version control, powerful APIs, productivity and collaboration tools, and integrations. Developers familiar with can onboard and contribute seamlessly using familiar features and workflows. 企業が GitHub の製品を使ってソフトウェア開発ライフサイクルをサポートする方法について、詳しくは、「エンタープライズ向け GitHub について」を参照してく� さい。

GitHub Enterprise Server は、ユーザーのインフラストラクチャ上で実行され、ファイアウォール、ネットワーク ポリシー、IAM、監視、VPN など、ユーザーが定義するアクセスとセキュリティの制御によって管理されます。 GitHub Enterprise Server は、規制コンプライアンスの対象となる企業で使うのに適しており、パブリック クラウドのソフトウェア開発プラットフォー� から発生する問題を回避するのに役立ちます。

GitHub は、自己完結型の仮想アプライアンスとして GitHub Enterprise Server を配布します。 仮想マシンをプロビジョニングしてアプライアンスをインストールすると、インスタンスはカスタ�  アプリケーション スタックを使って Linux オペレーティング システ� を実行します。 For more information, see "System overview."

You can choose to deploy GitHub Enterprise Server on premises, or to a supported cloud environment.

Supported environments for deployment

You can deploy GitHub Enterprise Server to a virtualization hypervisor within your on-premises datacenter, or to a public cloud service.

GitHub supports the following virtualization hypervisors for on-premises deployment.

  • Microsoft Hyper-V
  • OpenStack KVM
  • VMware ESXi

GitHub supports the following services for cloud deployment.

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure

For more information, see "Setting up a GitHub Enterprise Server instance."

About releases and upgrades

GitHub Enterprise Server は常に改善されており、機能とパッチのリリースによって新機能とバグ修正が導入されています。 You are responsible for upgrades to your instance. For more information, see "GitHub Enterprise Server releases."

About administration

You can configure and monitor GitHub Enterprise Server via browser, administrative SSH access, and REST or GraphQL APIs. GitHub has found that people with Linux administration experience are more successful with the deployment and maintainance of GitHub Enterprise Server.

You can give certain employees administrative access to GitHub Enterprise Server, so they can set up external authentication, configure the instance to meet developer needs, and monitor the instance's activity and performance. To ensure compliance with business rules or regulatory restrictions, administrators can configure policies that control how people use your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. For more information, see the following articles.

About optional features

You can configure optional features for GitHub Enterprise Server that improve the software development lifecycle for your enterprise.

FeatureDescriptionMore information
GitHub ActionsAutomate CI/CD and development workflows"About GitHub Actions for enterprises"
GitHub ConnectBenefit from the power of in limited ways"About GitHub Connect"
GitHub Advanced SecurityImprove code security and quality"About GitHub Advanced Security"
GitHub PackagesHost software packages for your enterprise"Introduction to GitHub Packages"

About deployment topologies

By default, GitHub Enterprise Server runs as a standalone instance. You can increase the reliability and performance of GitHub Enterprise Server by using a different topology for your deployment.

  • To mitigate the impact of system or network failures, you can deploy a passive replica instance. During an outage that affects your primary instance, you can manually fail over to the replica instance. For more information, see "About high availability configuration."
  • You can configure multiple active replicas to improve performance for developers who are geographically distant from your primary instance. For more information, see "About geo-replication."
  • Some enterprises with tens of thousands of developers may benefit from a cluster configuration that scales horizontally instead of vertically. For more information, see "About clustering."

About backups and disaster recovery

To safeguard against data loss or service disruptions for your developers, GitHub strongly recommends that you establish a plan for disaster recovery. You can back up your instance's configuration and user data by deploying and configuring a Linux or Unix host system with GitHub Enterprise Server Backup Utilities. For more information, see "Configuring backups on your appliance."

Additionally, you can configure a passive replica instance to fail over to in the event of a system or network failure. For more information, see "About deployment topologies."

About documentation

Documentation for both administrators and users of GitHub Enterprise Server is available on this site, GitHub Docs.

Different versions of GitHub Enterprise Server are reflected separately in the documentation on GitHub Docs. For more information, see "About versions of GitHub Docs."

Trying GitHub Enterprise Server

You can sign up for a free, 45-day trial of GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see "Setting up a trial of GitHub Enterprise Server."

Further reading