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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-10-12. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの向上、新機能の向上を図るために、最新バージョンの GitHub Enterprise にアップグレードします。 アップグレードに関するヘルプについては、GitHub Enterprise サポートにお問い合わせく� さい

Managing GitHub Connect


You can enable GitHub Connect to access additional features and workflows for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

About GitHub Connect

You can access additional features and workflows on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance by enabling GitHub Connect. For more information, see "About GitHub Connect."

When you enable GitHub Connect, you configure a connection between your GitHub Enterprise Server instance and an organization or enterprise account on GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Enabling GitHub Connect creates a GitHub App owned by the organization or enterprise account on GitHub Enterprise Cloud. GitHub Enterprise Server uses the GitHub App's credentials to make requests to GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

GitHub Enterprise Server stores credentials from the GitHub App. The following credentials will be replicated to all nodes in a high availability or cluster environment, and stored in any backups, including snapshots created by GitHub Enterprise Server Backup Utilities.

  • An authentication token, which is valid for one hour
  • A private key, which is used to generate a new authentication token


To use GitHub Connect, you must have an organization or enterprise account on that uses GitHub Enterprise Cloud. You may already have GitHub Enterprise Cloud included in your plan. GitHub Enterprise Cloud を無料で試す方法の詳細については、「GitHub Enterprise Cloud の試用版を設定する」を参照してく� さい。

If your organization or enterprise account on uses IP allow lists, you must add the IP address or network for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to your IP allow list on For more information, see "Managing allowed IP addresses for your organization" and "Enforcing policies for security settings in your enterprise" in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.

To configure a connection, your proxy configuration must allow connectivity to,, and For more information, see "Configuring an outbound web proxy server."

Enabling GitHub Connect

Enterprise owners who are also owners of an organization or enterprise account that uses GitHub Enterprise Cloud can enable GitHub Connect.

If you're connecting your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to an organization on GitHub Enterprise Cloud that is not owned by an enterprise account, you must sign into as an organization owner.

If you're connecting your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to an organization on GitHub Enterprise Cloud that is owned by an enterprise account or to an enterprise account itself, you must sign into as an enterprise owner.

  1. Sign in to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance and

  2. GitHub Enterprise Server の右上で、ご自分のプロファイル写真をクリックしてから、 [Enterprise 設定] をクリックします。 GitHub Enterprise Server のプロファイル写真のドロップダウン メニューの [自分の Enterprise]

  3. [Enterprise アカウント] サイドバーで、 [GitHub Connect] をクリックします。 [Enterprise アカウント] サイドバーの [Github Connect] タブ

  4. Under "GitHub Connect is not enabled yet", click Enable GitHub Connect. By clicking Enable GitHub Connect, you agree to the "GitHub Terms for Additional Products and Features."

    Enable GitHub Connect button

  5. Next to the enterprise account or organization you'd like to connect, click Connect. Connect button next to an enterprise account or business

Disabling GitHub Connect

Enterprise owners can disable GitHub Connect.

When you disconnect from GitHub Enterprise Cloud, the GitHub Connect GitHub App is deleted from your enterprise account or organization and credentials stored on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance are deleted.

  1. GitHub Enterprise Server の右上で、ご自分のプロファイル写真をクリックしてから、 [Enterprise 設定] をクリックします。 GitHub Enterprise Server のプロファイル写真のドロップダウン メニューの [自分の Enterprise]

  2. [Enterprise アカウント] サイドバーで、 [GitHub Connect] をクリックします。 [Enterprise アカウント] サイドバーの [Github Connect] タブ

  3. Next to the enterprise account or organization you'd like to disconnect, click Disable GitHub Connect.

    Disable GitHub Connect button next to an enterprise account or organization name

  4. Read the information about disconnecting and click Disable GitHub Connect. Modal with warning information about disconnecting and confirmation button