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Enterprise Server 3.16 actualmente está disponible como versión candidata para lanzamiento.

Exporting and scraping Prometheus metrics

GitHub Enterprise Server provides Prometheus-compatible metrics by transforming collectd data. These metrics can be scraped from a dedicated endpoint, allowing integration with observability and monitoring tools for performance insights.

GitHub Enterprise Server includes a Prometheus metrics exporter to simplify observability and monitoring. This feature allows metrics to be scraped directly from the appliance, eliminating the need to forward collectd metrics to an external collectd server for transformation before sending them to a Prometheus system. By supporting Prometheus-compatible metrics natively, the exporter enables seamless integration with external monitoring dashboards and alerting systems.

Enabling Prometheus metrics exporter and scraping metrics

By default, the Prometheus metrics exporter and scraping are disabled. Enabling the exporter for collectd metrics opens the metrics endpoint (also knows as scrape endpoint) at http(s)://HOSTNAME:9103. Ensure that firewall rules allow traffic on port 9103.

You can enable the Prometheus metrics exporter using the Consola de administración, the command line interface within the appliance, or the API.

Enabling using the Consola de administración

  1. Desde una cuenta administrativa de GitHub Enterprise Server, en la esquina superior derecha de cualquier página, haz clic en .

  2. Si todavía no está en la página "Administrador del sitio", en la esquina superior izquierda, haga clic en Administrador del sitio.

  3. En la barra lateral " Administrador del sitio", haz clic en Consola de administración .

  4. In the monitoring settings, select Enable prometheus.

  5. In the Trusted IPv4/IPv6 addresses or CIDR blocks in a comma-separated list field, type the comma-separated list of ip addresses or CIDR blocks. An example:, If this field is left empty, then scraping requests from any source IP will be accepted.

  6. En la barra lateral "Configuración" , haga clic en Guardar configuración.


    Al guardar la configuración en Consola de administración se restablecen los servicios del sistema, lo que podría generar un tiempo de inactividad visible para el usuario.

  7. Espera que se complete la fase de configuración.

Enabling via the command line interface

To enable the Prometheus metrics exporter, SSH into the GitHub Enterprise Server appliance and run the following commands:

ghe-config app.prometheus.enabled true
# Specify a comma-separated list of trusted IPv4/IPv6 addresses or CIDR blocks.
ghe-config app.prometheus.trusted-ips ","

Enabling using the API

You can enable the Prometheus metrics exporter using the API by sending a PUT request to update the configuration settings.

curl -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -u "api_key:xxxxxxx" https://<hostname>/manage/v1/config/settings -d '{"prometheus": {"enabled": true, "trusted_ips": ","}}'

Verifying the Prometheus metrics exporter is enabled

To verify that the Prometheus metrics exporter is enabled, use curl to query the /metrics endpoint on port 9103. For more information about the administrative ports, see Puertos de red.

curl localhost:9103/metrics

If successful, the response will include metrics with the collectd_ prefix.

Configuring your external Prometheus server

To scrape exported metrics from GitHub Enterprise Server, add a scraping configuration to the prometheus.yaml file on your external Prometheus server.

- job_name: "ghes-prom-agent"
  scrape_interval: 10s
    - targets: ["http(s)://HOSTNAME:9103/metrics"]

Support for the darkshipped Prometheus metrics exporter

If you have been using the Prometheus metrics exporter since it was darkshipped in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12, it will continue to work after upgrading to 3.16. In this version, you now have the option to specify trusted IPs for scraping requests.

Sharing feedback

You can share your feedback on the Prometheus metrics exporter and scraping functionality with GitHub. For help with questions or issues, visit Soporte técnico para GitHub Enterprise.