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Отображение IP-адресов в журнале аудита для предприятия

Исходный IP-адрес для событий можно отобразить в журнале аудита предприятия.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Enterprise owners can display IP addresses in the audit log for an enterprise.

About display of IP addresses in the audit log

By default, GitHub does not display the source IP address for events in your enterprise's audit log. Optionally, to ensure compliance and respond to threats, you can display the full IP address associated with the actor responsible for each event. Actors are typically users, but can also be apps or integrations.

You are responsible for meeting any legal obligations that accompany the viewing or storage of IP addresses displayed within your enterprise's audit log.

If you choose to display IP addresses for your enterprise account, IP addresses for new and existing events will appear in both your enterprise's audit log and the audit log of every organization owned by your enterprise. Alternatively, you can enable the display of IP addresses in the audit log for individual organizations. For more information, see Displaying IP addresses in the audit log for your organization.

You can display IP addresses in the audit log regardless of which authentication method you use for your enterprise on GitHub. For more information, see About identity and access management.

When anyone creates an account on GitHub, the person agrees to GitHub's collection of basic information about connections to GitHub's services, including source IP address. For more information, see GitHub General Privacy Statement.

Events that display IP addresses in the audit log

GitHub displays an IP address in the audit log when a member of the enterprise interacts with a resource owned by your enterprise or an organization in your enterprise. For example, you will see an IP address for audited events involving an internal or private repository owned by an organization in your enterprise, or resources associated with those repositories, such as an issue, pull request, action, or project.

If members of your enterprise access with personal accounts that they manage, because you do not use Enterprise Managed Users, GitHub does not display an event or IP address in the audit log for the following actions.

  • Authentication to
  • Interactions with a resource owned by the personal account, including a repository, gist, or project
  • Interactions with a public repository owned by an organization in your enterprise

Enabling display of IP addresses in the audit log

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.
  2. Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.
  3. At the top of the page, click Settings.
  4. Under " Settings", click Audit log.
  5. Under "Audit log", click Settings.
  6. Under "Disclose actor IP addresses in audit logs", select Enable source IP disclosure.
  7. Click Save.

After you enable the feature, you can access the audit log to view events that include IP addresses. For more information, see Accessing the audit log for your enterprise.