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Экспорт сведений о членстве для вашего предприятия

Вы можете экспортировать сведения обо всех членах предприятия из веб-интерфейса GitHub.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Enterprise owners can export membership information for an enterprise.

About export of membership information

You can export aggregated information about your enterprise's members as a membership information report. For example, you may want to perform an audit of your enterprise's current members. You can generate a file containing the report from GitHub's web UI.

The membership information report includes the following information.


You can only export the datetime of the user's last activity at the organization level. For more information, see Exporting member information for your organization.

  • Username and display name details
  • Whether the user has two-factor authentication enabled and how secure their 2FA configuration is
  • Whether the user is an organization owner or member
  • Organizations with pending invitations
  • Optionally, additional information that depends on the enterprise's configuration:
    • The user's email addresses for a verified domain
    • The user's SAML NameID
    • Username and primary email addresses on any GitHub Enterprise Server instances where GitHub Connect is configured
    • User, subscription email address, and license status for Visual Studio subscriptions with GitHub Enterprise

You can also use GitHub's APIs to retrieve information about your enterprise's members. For more information, see the GraphQL API and REST API documentation.

Organization owners can also export membership information for an organization. For more information, see Exporting member information for your organization.

Exporting a membership information report

You can download a CSV file containing the membership information report for your enterprise.

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.

  2. Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.

  3. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click People.

  4. To the right of "Members", click CSV Report.

    • If your enterprise has less than 1,000 members, the report will download immediately.
    • If your enterprise has 1,000 or more members, you'll soon receive an email with a link to download the report.