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Ограничение доступа к с помощью корпоративного прокси-сервера

Настройте прокси-сервер, чтобы запретить пользователям доступ к данным с помощью личная учетная запись.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Enterprises with Enterprise Managed Users on


The header for restricting access to is currently in public preview and subject to change.

If you use Enterprise Managed Users, you can block users on your network from authenticating to with accounts that are not members of your enterprise. This helps reduce the risk of your company's data being exposed to the public.

To enforce this restriction, you will configure your network proxy or firewall to inject a header into your users' web and API requests to

This feature requires an external firewall or proxy. GitHub Support cannot assist with setup or troubleshooting for external tools such as these. For more about scope of support, see About GitHub Support.

Requesting access

This feature is not enabled by default. To request access, contact your account manager in GitHub's Sales team or sign up here.


  • You must use an enterprise with managed users on
    • You'll know you're using an enterprise with managed users if all your users' usernames are appended with your enterprise's shortcode.
    • If you use GitHub Enterprise Cloud with data residency, your enterprise resides on a dedicated subdomain of, so the header is not required to differentiate traffic to your enterprise's resources.
  • To enforce the restriction, all traffic must flow through a proxy or firewall. The proxy or firewall must:
    • Be capable of intercepting and editing traffic, commonly called a "break and inspect" proxy
    • Support arbitrary header injection
  • GitHub must have granted you access to this feature.

Finding the header

To enforce the restriction, you will inject a header into all traffic going to certain supported endpoints. The header is in the following format.

sec-GitHub-allowed-enterprise: ENTERPRISE-ID

An enterprise owner can identify the correct enterprise ID to use in the header for your enterprise.

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your enterprise.
  2. On the left side of the page, in the enterprise account sidebar, click Settings.
  3. Under Settings, click Authentication security.
  4. In the "Enterprise access restrictions" section, find the header for your enterprise. This section is only visible for enterprises with the feature enabled.

Using the header

For best results, configure your proxy to inject the header into all traffic to the following supported endpoints.

EndpointPurpose*Web traffic to*REST and GraphQL API requests
*.githubcopilot.comTraffic required for certain GitHub Copilot features

This will prevent people on your network from accessing these endpoints with user accounts that are not owned by your enterprise. Alongside this feature, you can block traffic from outside your network by setting up an IP allow list. See Restricting network traffic to your enterprise with an IP allow list.


Access to is required to create support tickets. To ensure users with support entitlements can request help, you may want to exempt these users from the restriction.

Lifting the restriction for certain users

You may want to lift the restriction for certain users who need to contribute to open source resources using a personal account, or who may need to create support tickets in case of issues. To handle this, you must configure your network to inject the header only for users that you intend to restrict.

Options include:

  • Network segregation: Create a "work" network that injects the header, and an "open source" network that does not. Limit access to the "open source" network to users who need it.
  • Device grouping: If your proxy or firewall is authenticated, you can collect a group of users who don't need the header, and selectively exclude them from injection.

Unsupported features

Because this restriction only applies to requests that are sent via a proxy that adds an enterprise header, certain GitHub features do not support the restriction to block users from accessing or using their personal accounts. To block users on your network from accessing these features, you will need to make the changes described below.

FeatureAssociated endpointNotes
GitHub Pagesgithub.ioThis is generally user-generated content that cannot accept data. You may not want to restrict access.
GitHub Codespacesgithub.devTo restrict access, block the endpoint entirely.
SSH accessPort 22 on GitHub.comTo restrict access, block the endpoint entirely.
GitHub-hosted runnersVariousTo enforce specific routing, use Azure private networking. See About Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your enterprise.

Endpoints that don't require restriction

The following endpoints do not support or require the restriction because they only provide data, and do not accept it.

  • *
  • *
  • Websocket traffic on

How does the restriction work?

For traffic that includes the enterprise header, when a user attempts to access via the web, Git, or API using a user account (or a token associated with a user account) that is not a member of the enterprise:

The following sections provide details for the expected behavior that applies to your users' web activity and API requests.

Web activity

For activity in the user interface, the header restricts which accounts a user can sign in to.

While on your network, a user:

  • Can sign in to a managed user account in your enterprise.
  • Cannot sign in to an account outside your enterprise.
  • Cannot use the account switcher to switch to an account outside your enterprise.

If a user is already signed in to an account outside your enterprise (for example, they signed in while outside your network), when the user brings their device into your network, they will receive an error and be unable to access until they sign in with their enterprise-owned account.

Git activity

If your proxy is configured to inject the header into HTTP(S) requests, users on your network will be blocked from authenticating to over HTTP(S), unless they are a member of your enterprise. Public read requests are not blocked for unauthenticated anonymous users.

You cannot use the enterprise header to restrict Git activity over SSH. Instead, you can choose to block the port for SSH requests entirely. See Unsupported features.

API requests

For REST and GraphQL API traffic to, including requests via the GitHub CLI, the header restricts the use of access tokens while users are connected to your network.

ScenarioOutcomeAffected token types
A user uses a personal access token associated with an account owned by your enterprise.The personal access token works as expected in API requests.ghp_ and github_pat_
While connected to your network, a user tries to use a personal access token associated with a user outside your enterprise.Requests using the token are blocked.ghp_ and github_pat_
While outside your network, using an account outside your enterprise, a user signs in to an OAuth app that runs on their device. The user then brings their device inside your network.OAuth tokens from the app stop working.gho_
While outside your network, using an account outside your enterprise, a user signs in to a GitHub App that runs on their device. The user then brings their device inside your network.Tokens from the app stop working.ghu_
While connected to your network, an application attempts to refresh a session for a user outside your enterprise using a GitHub App refresh token.The refresh fails.ghr_
While connected to your network, an application attempts to get an installation token (a token without a user identity, just the app's identity) for an organization outside your enterprise.The token will not work.ghs_

Errors displayed to blocked users

Errors will be displayed to users when the restriction is working as intended. Errors occur in the following situations:

  • Web activity: When a user is blocked from signing in or using an existing stale session.
  • API activity: When a user tries to use a token that is associated with a user outside the enterprise.
  • Installation token: When an application attempts to use an installation token to access an organization or user account outside the enterprise. For installations, only write requests are blocked. Read requests are not blocked to resources outside of the enterprise. To learn more about installation tokens, see Authenticating as a GitHub App installation.
ScenarioError codeMessage
Web activity403Your network administrator has blocked access to GitHub except for the ENTERPRISE Enterprise. Please sign in with your _SHORTCODE account to access GitHub.
API activity403Your network administrator has blocked access to GitHub except for the ENTERPRISE Enterprise. Please use a token for a user from the _SHORTCODE enterprise to access GitHub.
Installation token403Your network administrator has blocked access to GitHub except for the ENTERPRISE Enterprise. Only tokens for the "SHORTCODE" enterprise can access GitHub.

Errors with a 400 code indicate an error in your configuration. See Troubleshooting.

Example of testing locally

You can test your network configuration locally using a web debugging tool. This section provides an example using Fiddler. Note that Fiddler and other external debugging tools are not in the scope of GitHub Support.

In the following example, you will add some FiddlerScript to run on every request.

  1. Install Fiddler.

  2. Configure Fiddler to decrypt HTTPS traffic. See the Fiddler documentation.

  3. In Fiddler, navigate to the "FiddlerScript" tab, and add the following code to the OnBeforeRequest function. Set the enterpriseId variable to your own enterprise ID.

    // Your enterprise id
    var enterpriseId: String = "YOUR-ID";
     //Inject on the web UI
     if (oSession.HostnameIs("")){
         oSession["ui-color"] = "green";
     // Inject on API calls
     if (oSession.HostnameIs("")){
         oSession["ui-color"] = "blue";
     // Inject on Copilot API calls
     if (oSession.HostnameIs("")){
         oSession["ui-color"] = "yellow";
  4. Click Save script.

The header will now be injected for each of the specified domains while packet capture is active. To enable or disable injection, you can toggle packet capture by clicking File > Capture Traffic.

You can turn this injection on and off to simulate signing in with a disallowed account and then entering the network, or trying to sign in to a disallowed account while on the network.


If your header injection isn't working as expected, you will see errors with a 400 code when you try to use affected endpoints. These are distinct from the 403 errors displayed when the feature is working as expected (see Errors displayed to blocked users).

Generally, 400 errors occur in the following situations.

  • The header uses an invalid slug or enterprise ID.
  • The header lists more than one enterprise.
  • The request contains multiple sec-GitHub-allowed-enterprise headers.
ScenarioError codeMessage
Invalid slug or ID400The enterprise named in the sec-GitHub-allowed-enterprise header cannot be found. Ensure that the "enterprise slug" is entered correctly in the firewall or proxy settings. Contact your network administrator if this error persists.
More than one enterprise400Only one enterprise can be used with the sec-GitHub-allowed-enterprise header. Ensure that only a single enterprise and header is provided. If this issue persists, contact your network administrator
Multiple headers400More than one sec-GitHub-allowed-enterprise was received. This header must be overwritten by the firewall or proxy, to ensure that only a single enterprise is granted access. If this issue persists, contact your network administrator.

Further reading