About removal of enterprise members
If your enterprise does not use Enterprise Managed Users, you can remove an enterprise member from GitHub. When you remove a member from your enterprise, the member is removed from all organizations owned by your enterprise. Removing a member from your enterprise also removes any of the member's administrative roles, such as the owner or billing manager roles. For more information, see Roles in an enterprise.
If the enterprise member you're removing is the last owner of an organization owned by your enterprise, you will become an owner of that organization.
If your enterprise or any of the organizations owned by your enterprise uses an identity provider (IdP) to manage organization membership, the member may be added back to the organization by the IdP. Make sure to also make any necessary changes in your IdP.
If your enterprise does use Enterprise Managed Users, you must remove the enterprise members through your identity provider (IdP) and the SCIM integration instead. For more information, see About Enterprise Managed Users.
Removing a member from your enterprise
If an enterprise member uses only GitHub Enterprise Server, and not GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you cannot remove the enterprise member this way.
In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.
Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.
At the top of the page, click People.
To the right of the person you want to remove, select the dropdown menu and click Remove from enterprise.