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Настройка единого входа SAML для управляемых пользователей GitHub Enterprise

Можно автоматически управлять доступом к корпоративной учетной записи на GitHub, настроив единый вход на основе языка разметки заявлений системы безопасности (SAML).

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Enterprise Managed Users доступен для новых корпоративных учетных записей на GitHub Enterprise Cloud. См . раздел AUTOTITLE.

Before following the steps in this article, make sure that your enterprise uses managed users. You can do so by checking whether your enterprise view has the "Users managed by ACCOUNT NAME" header bar at the top of the screen. If you see this, your enterprise uses managed users and you can follow the steps in this article.

If your enterprise uses personal accounts, you must follow a different process to configure SAML single sign-on. See Configuring SAML single sign-on for your enterprise.

About SAML SSO for Enterprise Managed Users

With Enterprise Managed Users, access to your enterprise's resources on or must be authenticated through your identity provider (IdP). Instead of signing in with a GitHub username and password, members of your enterprise will sign in through your IdP.

After you configure SAML SSO, we recommend storing your recovery codes so you can recover access to your enterprise in the event that your IdP is unavailable.

If you currently use SAML SSO for authentication and would prefer to use OIDC and benefit from CAP support, you can follow a migration path. For more information, see Migrating from SAML to OIDC.


  • Understand the integration requirements and level of support for your IdP.

    • GitHub offers a "paved-path" integration and full support if you use a partner IdP for both authentication and provisioning.
    • Alternatively, you can use any system or combination of systems that conforms to SAML 2.0 and SCIM 2.0. However, support for resolving problems with these systems may be limited.

    For more details, see About Enterprise Managed Users.

  • Your IdP must adhere to the SAML 2.0 specification. See the SAML Wiki on the OASIS website.

  • You must have tenant administrative access to your IdP.

  • If you're configuring SAML SSO for a new enterprise, make sure to complete all previous steps in the initial configuration process. See Getting started with Enterprise Managed Users.

Configure SAML SSO for Enterprise Managed Users

To configure SAML SSO for your enterprise with managed users, you must configure an application on your IdP, then configure your enterprise on GitHub. After you configure SAML SSO, you can configure user provisioning.

  1. Configure your IdP
  2. Configure your enterprise
  3. Enable provisioning

Configure your IdP

  1. If you use a partner IdP, to install the GitHub Enterprise Managed User application, click the link for your IdP and environment.

    Identity providerApp for GitHub.comApp for
    Microsoft Entra IDGitHub Enterprise Managed UserGitHub Enterprise Managed User
    OktaGitHub Enterprise Managed UserGitHub Enterprise Managed User -
    PingFederatePingFederate downloads website (navigate to the Add-ons tab, then select GitHub EMU Connector 1.0)PingFederate downloads website (navigate to the Add-ons tab, then select GitHub EMU Connector 1.0)
  2. To configure SAML SSO for Enterprise Managed Users on a partner IdP, read the relevant documentation for your IdP and environment.

    Identity providerDocumentation for GitHub.comDocumentation for
    Microsoft Entra IDMicrosoft LearnMicrosoft Learn
    OktaConfiguring SAML single sign-on with Okta for Enterprise Managed UsersConfiguring SAML single sign-on with Okta for Enterprise Managed Users
    PingFederateConfiguring authentication and provisioning with PingFederate ("Prerequisities" and "1. Configure SAML" sections)Configuring authentication and provisioning with PingFederate ("Prerequisities" and "1. Configure SAML" sections)

    Alternatively, if you don't use a partner IdP, you can use the SAML configuration reference for GitHub to create and configure a generic SAML 2.0 application on your IdP. See SAML configuration reference.

  3. To test and configure your enterprise, assign yourself or the user that will configure SAML SSO for your enterprise on GitHub to the application you configured for Enterprise Managed Users on your IdP.


    In order to test a successful authentication connection upon configuration, at least one user must be assigned to the IdP.

  4. To continue configuring your enterprise on GitHub, locate and note the following information from the application you installed on your IdP.

    ValueOther namesDescription
    IdP Sign-On URLLogin URL, IdP URLApplication's URL on your IdP
    IdP Identifier URLIssuerIdP's identifier to service providers for SAML authentication
    Signing certificate, Base64-encodedPublic certificatePublic certificate that IdP uses to sign authentication requests

Configure your enterprise

After you configure SAML SSO for Enterprise Managed Users on your IdP, you can configure your enterprise on GitHub.

After the initial configuration of SAML SSO, the only setting you can update on GitHub for your existing SAML configuration is the SAML certificate, which can be done by any member with the enterprise owner role. If you need to update the sign-on URL or issuer URL, you must first disable SAML SSO, then reconfigure SAML SSO with the new settings. For more information, see Disabling authentication for Enterprise Managed Users.

  1. Sign in as the setup user for your enterprise with the username SHORT-CODE_admin, replacing SHORT-CODE with your enterprise's short code.


    If you need to reset the password for your setup user, contact GitHub Support through the GitHub Support portal. The usual password reset option by providing your email address will not work.

  2. If you're using a non-partner IdP (an IdP other than Okta, PingFederate or Entra ID), before enabling SAML, you must update a setting so that you will be able to set up SCIM using the REST API. See Configuring SCIM provisioning for Enterprise Managed Users.

  3. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click Your enterprise.

  4. At the top of the page, click Identity provider.

  5. Under Identity Provider, click Single sign-on configuration.

  6. Under "SAML single sign-on", select Add SAML configuration.

  7. Under Sign on URL, type the HTTPS endpoint of your IdP for SSO requests that you noted while configuring your IdP.

  8. Under Issuer, type your SAML issuer URL that you noted while configuring your IdP, to verify the authenticity of sent messages.

  9. Under Public Certificate, paste the certificate that you noted while configuring your IdP, to verify SAML responses.

  10. Under Public Certificate, select the Signature Method and Digest Method dropdown menus, then click the hashing algorithm used by your SAML issuer.

  11. Before enabling SAML SSO for your enterprise, to ensure that the information you've entered is correct, click Test SAML configuration. This test uses Service Provider initiated (SP-initiated) authentication and must be successful before you can save the SAML settings.

  12. Click Save SAML settings.


    After you require SAML SSO for your enterprise and save SAML settings, the setup user will continue to have access to the enterprise and will remain signed in to GitHub along with the managed user accounts provisioned by your IdP who will also have access to the enterprise.

  13. To ensure you can still access your enterprise on GitHub if your IdP is unavailable in the future, click Download, Print, or Copy to save your recovery codes. For more information, see Downloading your enterprise account's single sign-on recovery codes.

Enable provisioning

After you enable SAML SSO, enable provisioning. For more information, see Configuring SCIM provisioning for Enterprise Managed Users.

Enable guest collaborators

You can use the role of guest collaborator to grant limited access to vendors and contractors in your enterprise. Unlike enterprise members, guest collaborators only have access to internal repositories within organizations where they are a member.

If you use Entra ID or Okta for SAML authentication, you may need to update your IdP application to use guest collaborators. For more information, see Enabling guest collaborators.