This article does not apply to Enterprise Managed Users. Managed user accounts are provisioned using SCIM, not invited.
About organization invitations
When you invite someone to become a member of your organization, the person receives an email with an invitation link. To join the organization, the invitee clicks the invitation link in the email.
You can use a person's GitHub username or email address for the invitation.
Note: If you use an email address for the invitation, the invitee will only be able to accept the invitation if the email address matches with a verified email address associated with the invitee's personal account on GitHub. For more information, see "Verifying your email address."
If an invitee's personal account has been flagged, the invitee won't be able to accept any new or pending invitations to join organizations.
If your organization has a paid per-user subscription, an unused license must be available before you can invite a new member to join the organization or reinstate a former organization member. For more information, see "About per-user pricing."
If an invitee does not accept the invitation within seven days, the pending invitation expires automatically. If a SCIM request from your identity provider (IdP) generates the invitation, the invitation will not expire.
If your organization requires members to use two-factor authentication, users that you invite must enable two-factor authentication before accepting the invitation. For more information, see "Requiring two-factor authentication in your organization" and "Securing your account with two-factor authentication (2FA)."
You can implement SCIM to add, manage, and remove organization members' access to through an identity provider (IdP). For more information, see "About SCIM for organizations."
To prevent abuse, you can only create 50 organization invitations within a 24-hour period. If your organization is more than one month old or on a paid plan, the limit is 500 invitations per 24 hour period. This limit does not apply to invitations created via SCIM provisioning.
Inviting a user to join your organization
In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.
Click the name of your organization.
Under your organization name, click People.
Click Invite member.
In the search field, type the username, full name, or email address of the person you want to invite and click Invite.
If the person you're inviting was an organization member within the last three months, select whether to restore their privileges or start fresh, then click Invite and reinstate or Invite and start fresh.
If the person you're inviting has never been a member of the organization or if you cleared their privileges, under "Role in the organization," select an organization role for the user.
Optionally, to add the user to a team in the organization, select the team.
Click Send invitation.
The invited person will receive an email inviting them to the organization. They will need to accept the invitation before becoming a member of the organization. You can edit or cancel an invitation any time before the user accepts.
Retrying or canceling expired invitations
Invitations expire after 7 days. You can retry or cancel expired invitations, either one by one or in bulk. Failed invitations to outside collaborators can also be found in this view.
In the upper-right corner of GitHub, select your profile photo, then click Your organizations.
Click the name of your organization.
Under your organization name, click People.
In the "Organization permissions" sidebar, click Failed invitations.
Next to an invitation, select the dropdown menu, then click Retry invitation or Cancel invitation.
To confirm, click Retry invitation or Cancel invitation.