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Configuring code scanning with CodeQL at scale

You can use a script to configure code scanning for a specific group of repositories in your organization.


Code scanning は、GitHub Enterprise Server の Organization 所有のリポジトリで利用できます。 この機能には、GitHub Advanced Security のライセンスが必要です。 詳しくは、「GitHub Advanced Security について」を参照してください。

About configuring code scanning with CodeQL at scale

To configure code scanning across multiple repositories, you can write a bulk configuration script. To successfully execute the script, GitHub Actions must be enabled for the site.

Using a script to configure code scanning

  1. Identify a group of repositories that can be analyzed using the same code scanning configuration. For example, all repositories that build Java artifacts using the production environment.
  2. Create and test a GitHub Actions workflow to call the CodeQL action with the appropriate configuration. For more information, see "Configuring code scanning."
  3. Use one of the example scripts create a custom script to add the workflow to each repository in the group.

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