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Enterprise Server 3.15 actualmente está disponible como versión candidata para lanzamiento.

Problemas conocidos con las actualizaciones de la instancia

Consulta la información general de los problemas que afectan al proceso de actualización de GitHub Enterprise Server, o que afectan a tu instancia después de completar una actualización.

About known issues with GitHub Enterprise Server upgrades

GitHub is aware of the following issues that could impact upgrades to new releases of GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see "Known issues" in the GitHub Enterprise Server release notes.

GitHub strongly recommends regular backups of your instance's configuration and data. Before you proceed with any upgrade, back up your instance, then validate the backup in a staging environment. For more information, see "Configuring backups on your instance" and "Setting up a staging instance."

Required root disk size increased to 400GB

New installations of 3.15 or later, or upgrades to 3.15 or later require root disk size of at least 400GB. This capacity is an enforced requirement for the system to boot successfully. GitHub strongly recommends following the guidance in "Increasing storage capacity."