This article explains the stages in the life of a codespace, from creation to deletion. If you have read the Quickstart for GitHub Codespaces article and you now want to start using GitHub Codespaces for your own work, see the articles under codespace で開発する.
About the lifecycle of a codespace
The lifecycle of a codespace begins when you create a codespace and ends when you delete it. You can disconnect and reconnect to an active codespace without affecting its running processes. You may stop and restart a codespace without losing changes that you have made to your project.
Creating a codespace
When you want to work on a project, you can choose to create a new codespace or open an existing codespace. You might want to create a new codespace from a branch of your repository each time you develop in GitHub Codespaces or keep a long-running codespace for a feature. 新しいプロジェクトを始める場合は、テンプレートから codespace を作成して、後で GitHub でリポジトリを公開できます。 For more information, see リポジトリの codespace を作成する and テンプレートから codespace を作成する.
作成できる codespace の数と、同時に実行できる codespace の数には制限があります。 これらの制限は、いくつかの要因によって異なります。 codespace の最大数に達してからさらに作成しようとすると、新しい codespace を作成する前に既存のものを削除する必要があることを示すメッセージが表示されます。 Similarly, if you reach the maximum number of active codespaces and you try to start another, you are prompted to stop one of your active codespaces.
If you choose to create a new codespace each time you work on a project, you should regularly push your changes so that any new commits are on GitHub. If you choose to use a long-running codespace for your project, you should pull from your repository's default branch each time you start working in your codespace so that your environment has the latest commits. This workflow is very similar to if you were working with a project on your local machine.
コードスペースの作成を高速化するために、リポジトリ管理者はリポジトリの GitHub Codespaces プレビルドを有効にすることができます。 詳しくは、「GitHub Codespaces のプレビルドについて」をご覧ください。
Saving changes in a codespace
When you connect to a codespace through the web, auto-save is enabled automatically for the web editor and configured to save changes after a delay. When you connect to a codespace through Visual Studio Code running on your desktop, you must enable auto-save. For more information, see Save/Auto Save in the Visual Studio Code documentation.
Your work will be saved on a virtual machine in the cloud. You can close and stop a codespace and return to the saved work later. If you have unsaved changes, your editor will prompt you to save them before exiting. However, if your codespace is deleted, then your work will be deleted too. To persist your work, you will need to commit your changes and push them to your remote repository, or publish your work to a new remote repository if you created your codespace from a template. For more information, see Codespace でソースコントロールを使用する.
Timeouts for GitHub Codespaces
If you leave your codespace running without interaction, or if you exit your codespace without explicitly stopping it, the codespace will timeout after a period of inactivity and stop running. By default, a codespace will timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity, but you can customize the duration of the timeout period for new codespaces that you create. For more information about setting the default timeout period for your codespaces, see GitHub Codespaces のタイムアウト期間を設定する. For more information about stopping a codespace, see Stopping a codespace.
When a codespace times out, your data is preserved from the last time your changes were saved. For more information, see Saving changes in a codespace.
Rebuilding a codespace
You can rebuild your codespace to implement changes you've made to your dev container configuration. For most uses, you can create a new codespace as an alternative to rebuilding a codespace. By default, when you rebuild your codespace, GitHub Codespaces will reuse images from your cache to speed up the rebuild process. Alternatively, you can perform a full rebuild, which clears your cache and rebuilds the container with fresh images.
codespace でコンテナーをリビルドすると、/workspaces
ディレクトリの外部で加えた変更はクリアされます。 /workspaces
ディレクトリ内で加えた変更 (codespace を作成したリポジトリまたはテンプレートのクローンを含む) は、リビルド後も保持されます。 詳しくは、「Deep dive into GitHub Codespaces」をご覧ください。
For more information, see 開発コンテナーの概要 and codespace でのコンテナーのリビルド.
Stopping a codespace
codespace はいつでも停止できます。 Codespace を停止すると、実行中のすべてのプロセスが停止されます。 次に codespace を起動するときに、codespace に保存した変更は引き続き使用できます。 ターミナル履歴は保持されますが、ターミナル ウィンドウの表示される内容は Codespaces セッション間で保持されません。
codespace を明示的に停止しない場合、非アクティブからタイムアウトするまで実行され続けます。 Codespace を閉じても、codespace は停止しません。 たとえば、VS Code Web クライアントで codespace を使用していて、ブラウザー タブを閉じると、codespace はリモート コンピューター上で引き続き実行されます。 タイムアウトについては、「Understanding the codespace lifecycle」を参照してください。
CPU 料金は、実行中の codespace に対してのみ発生します。 停止した codespace には、ストレージ コストのみが発生します。
codespace を停止し、再起動したときに、変更を適用したいと思うかもしれません。 たとえば、codespace に使用するマシンの種類を変更した場合、変更を有効にするには、その codespace を停止して再起動する必要があります。 また、エラーや予期しない問題が発生した場合に、codespace を停止し、再起動または削除することもできます。 For more information, see codespace の停止と開始.
Deleting a codespace
You can create a codespace for a particular task and then safely delete the codespace after you push your changes to a remote branch.
If you try to delete a codespace with unpushed git commits, your editor will notify you that you have changes that have not been pushed to a remote branch. You can push any desired changes and then delete your codespace, or continue to delete your codespace and any uncommitted changes. You can also export your code to a new branch without creating a new codespace. For more information, see ブランチへの変更のエクスポート.
Codespaces that have been stopped and remain inactive for a specified period of time will be deleted automatically. By default, inactive codespaces are deleted after 30 days, but you can customize your codespace retention period. For more information, see codespace の自動削除を構成する.
If you create a codespace, it will continue to accrue storage charges until it is deleted, irrespective of whether it is active or stopped. For more information, see GitHub Codespaces の請求について. Deleting a codespace does not reduce the current billable amount for GitHub Codespaces, which accumulates during each monthly billing cycle. For more information, see GitHub Codespaces の使用状況の表示.
For more information on deleting a codespace, see codespace を削除する.
Losing the connection while using GitHub Codespaces
GitHub Codespaces is a cloud-based development environment and requires an internet connection. If you lose connection to the internet while working in a codespace, you will not be able to access your codespace. However, any uncommitted changes will be saved. When you have access to an internet connection again, you can connect to your codespace in the exact same state that it was left in. If you have an unstable internet connection, you should commit and push your changes often.
If you know that you will often be working offline, you can use your devcontainer.json
file with the "Dev Containers" extension for VS Code to build and attach to a local development container for your repository. For more information, see Developing inside a container in the Visual Studio Code documentation.