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Adding a workflow status badge

You can display a status badge in your repository to indicate the status of your workflows.

Note: Workflow badges in a private repository are not accessible externally, so you won't be able to embed them or link to them from an external site.

Una insignia de estado muestra si un flujo de trabajo falla o pasa actualmente. Un lugar común para agregar un distintivo de estado es el archivo del repositorio, pero puede agregarlo a la página web que quiera. Predeterminadamente, las insignias muestran el estado de tu rama predeterminada. También puede mostrar el estado de la ejecución de un flujo de trabajo para una rama o evento específicos mediante los parámetros de consulta branch y event en la URL.

Captura de pantalla de una notificación de estado de flujo de trabajo. El lado izquierdo contiene el logotipo de octocat y "Acciones de GitHub Demo", el nombre del flujo de trabajo. La mitad derecha es verde con el texto "pasando".

To add a workflow status badge to your file, first find the URL for the status badge you would like to display. Then you can use Markdown to display the badge as an image in your file. For more information about image markup in Markdown, see "Sintaxis de escritura y formato básicos."

Using the workflow file name

You can build the URL for a workflow status badge using the name of the workflow file:

To display the workflow status badge in your file, use the Markdown markup for embedding images. For more information about image markup in Markdown, see "Sintaxis de escritura y formato básicos."

For example, add the following Markdown to your file to add a status badge for a workflow with the file path .github/workflows/main.yml. The OWNER of the repository is the github organization and the REPOSITORY name is docs.

![example workflow](

Using the branch parameter

To display the status of a workflow run for a specific branch, add ?branch=BRANCH-NAME to the end of the status badge URL.

For example, add the following Markdown to your file to display a status badge for a branch with the name feature-1.

![example branch parameter](

Using the event parameter

To display the status of workflow runs triggered by the push event, add ?event=push to the end of the status badge URL.

For example, add the following Markdown to your file to display a badge with the status of workflow runs triggered by the push event, which will show the status of the build for the current state of that branch.

![example event parameter](