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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

Using starter workflows

GitHub Enterprise Server provides starter workflows for a variety of languages and tooling.

ノート: GitHubホストランナーは、現在GitHub Enterprise Serverでサポートされていません。 GitHubパブリックロードマップで、計画されている将来のサポートに関する詳しい情� �を見ることができます。

About starter workflows

GitHub Enterprise Server offers starter workflows for a variety of languages and tooling. When you set up workflows in your repository, GitHub Enterprise Server analyzes the code in your repository and recommends workflows based on the language and framework in your repository. For example, if you use Node.js, GitHub Enterprise Server will suggest a starter workflow file that installs your Node.js packages and runs your tests.

GitHub provides ready-to-use starter workflows for the following high level categories:

  • Deployment (CD). For more information, see "About continuous deployment."

  • Continuous Integration (CI). 詳細については、「継続的インテグレーションについて」を参照してく� さい。

  • Automation. Automation starter workflows offer solutions for automating workflows, such as triaging pull requests and applying a label based on the paths that are modified in the pull request, or greeting users who are first time contributors to the repository.

You can also create your own starter workflow to share with your organization. These starter workflows will appear alongside the GitHub Enterprise Server-provided starter workflows. For more information, see "Creating starter workflows for your organization."

Using starter workflows

Anyone with write permission to a repository can set up GitHub Actions starter workflows for CI/CD or other automation.

  1. GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンスで、リポジトリのメインページにアクセスしてく� さい。

  2. Under your repository name, click Actions. メインのリポジトリナビゲーション内のアクションタブ

  3. If you already have a workflow in your repository, click New workflow.

  4. The "Choose a workflow template" page shows a selection of recommended starter workflows. Find the starter workflow that you want to use, then click Set up this workflow.

    Set up this workflow

  5. If the starter workflow contains comments detailing additional setup steps, follow these steps. Many of the starter workflow have corresponding guides. For more information, see the GitHub Actions guides.

  6. Some starter workflows use secrets. For example, ${{ secrets.npm_token }}. If the starter workflow uses a secret, store the value described in the secret name as a secret in your repository. 詳しい情� �については「暗号化されたシークレット」を参照してく� さい。

  7. Optionally, make additional changes. For example, you might want to change the value of on to change when the workflow runs.

  8. [Start commit] をクリックします。

  9. Write a commit message and decide whether to commit directly to the default branch or to open a pull request.
