About Dependabot for GitHub Enterprise Server
Dependabot helps users of GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス find and fix vulnerabilities in their dependencies.
With Dependabotアラート, GitHub identifies insecure dependencies in repositories and creates alerts on GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス, using data from the GitHub Advisory Database and the dependency graph service.
We add advisories to the GitHub Advisory Database from the following sources:
- National Vulnerability Database
- GitHub上のパブリックなコミット内の脆弱性の検出に、機械学習と人間によるレビューの組み合わせ
- GitHubで� �告されたセキュリティアドバイザリ
- npm Security advisoriesデータベース
After you enable Dependabotアラート for your enterprise, vulnerability data is synced from the GitHub Advisory Database to your instance once every hour. Only GitHub-reviewed advisories are synchronized. For more information about advisory data, see "Browsing security advisories in the GitHub Advisory Database" in the GitHub.com documentation.
また、脆弱性データはいつでも手動で同期することができます。 For more information, see "Viewing the vulnerability data for your enterprise."
Note: When you enable Dependabotアラート, no code or information about code from GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス is uploaded to GitHub.com.
When GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス receives information about a vulnerability, it identifies repositories in GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス that use the affected version of the dependency and generates Dependabotアラート. You can choose whether or not to notify users automatically about new Dependabotアラート.
For repositories with Dependabotアラート enabled, scanning is triggered on any push to the default branch that contains a manifest file or lock file. Additionally, when a new vulnerability record is added to GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス, GitHub Enterprise Server scans all existing repositories on GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス and generates alerts for any repository that is vulnerable. 詳しい情� �については、「Dependabotアラート について」を参照してく� さい。
Dependabotアラート の有効化
Before you can enable Dependabotアラート:
- You must enable GitHub Connect. For more information, see "Managing GitHub Connect."
- You must enable the dependency graph. For more information, see "Enabling the dependency graph for your enterprise."
GitHub Enterprise Serverの右上で、プロフィール写真をクリックし、続いてEnterprise settings(Enterpriseの設定)をクリックしてく� さい。
In the enterprise account sidebar, click GitHub Connect.
Under "Repositories can be scanned for vulnerabilities", select the drop-down menu and click Enabled without notifications. Optionally, to enable alerts with notifications, click Enabled with notifications.
Tip: We recommend configuring Dependabotアラート without notifications for the first few days to avoid an overload of emails. 数日後、通知を有効化すれば、通常どおり Dependabotアラート を受信できます。