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Creating starter workflows for your organization

Learn how you can create starter workflows to help people in your team add new workflows more easily.

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Starter workflows allow everyone in your organization who has permission to create workflows to do so more quickly and easily. When you create a new workflow, you can choose a starter workflow and some or all of the work of writing the workflow will be done for you. You can use starter workflows as a starting place to build your custom workflow or use them as-is. This not only saves time, it promotes consistency and best practice across your organization.

GitHub provides ready-to-use starter workflows for the following high level categories:

  • Deployment (CD). For more information, see "About continuous deployment."

  • Continuous Integration (CI). 詳細については、「継続的インテグレーションについて」を参照してく� さい。

  • Automation. Automation starter workflows offer solutions for automating workflows, such as triaging pull requests and applying a label based on the paths that are modified in the pull request, or greeting users who are first time contributors to the repository.

Creating a starter workflow

Starter workflows can be created by users with write access to the organization's .github repository. These can then be used by organization members who have permission to create workflows.

This procedure demonstrates how to create a starter workflow and metadata file. The metadata file describes how the starter workflows will be presented to users when they are creating a new workflow.

  1. 存在しない� �合は、Organization内で.githubという名前の新しいパブリック リポジトリを作成します。

  2. workflow-templatesという名前のディレクトリを作成します。

  3. workflow-templates ディレクトリ内に新しいワークフローファイルを作成します。

    リポジトリのデフォルトブランチを参照する必要がある� �合は、 $default-branch プレースホルダを使用できます。 When a workflow is created the placeholder will be automatically replaced with the name of the repository's default branch.


    name: Octo Organization CI
        branches: [ $default-branch ]
        branches: [ $default-branch ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Run a one-line script
            run: echo Hello from Octo Organization
  4. workflow-templates ディレクトリ内にメタデータファイルを作成します。 メタデータ ファイルは、ワークフロー ファイルと同じ名前である必要がありますが、 .yml 拡張子の代わりに、 .properties.jsonを付ける必要があります。 たとえばという名前のこのファイルには 、octo-organization-ci.ymlという名前のワークフローファイルのメタデータが含まれています。

        "name": "Octo Organization Workflow",
        "description": "Octo Organization CI starter workflow.",
        "iconName": "example-icon",
        "categories": [
        "filePatterns": [
    • name - Required. The name of the workflow. This is displayed in the list of available workflows.
    • description - Required. The description of the workflow. This is displayed in the list of available workflows.
    • iconName - Optional. Specifies an icon for the workflow that's displayed in the list of workflows. The iconName must be the name of an SVG file, without the file name extension, stored in the workflow-templates directory. For example, an SVG file named example-icon.svg is referenced as example-icon.
    • categories - オプション。 ワークフローの言語カテゴリを定義します。 When a user views the available starter workflows for a repository, the workflows that match the identified language for the project are featured more prominently. 使用可能な言語カテゴリについては、「」を参照してく� さい。
    • filePatterns - Optional. Allows the workflow to be used if the user's repository has a file in its root directory that matches a defined regular expression.

To add another starter workflow, add your files to the same workflow-templates directory. 例:

Workflow files


To continue learning about GitHub Actions, see "Using starter workflows."