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About support for your IdP's Conditional Access Policy

When your enterprise uses OIDC SSO, GitHub can validate access to your enterprise and its resources using your IdP's Conditional Access Policy (CAP).

¿Quién puede utilizar esta característica?

Enterprise Managed Users está disponible para las cuentas empresariales nuevas que usan GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Consulte "Acerca de Enterprise Managed Users".

Nota: La compatibilidad de OpenID Connect (OIDC) y la directiva de acceso condicional (CAP) con Enterprise Managed Users solo está disponible para Microsoft Entra ID (anteriormente Azure AD).

About support for Conditional Access Policies

Cuando la empresa usa el inicio de sesión único de OIDC, GitHub usará automáticamente las condiciones IP de la directiva de acceso condicional (CAP) de IdP para validar las interacciones con GitHub, cuando los miembros cambian las direcciones IP y para cada autenticación con personal access token o una clave SSH asociada a una cuenta de usuario.

GitHub Enterprise Cloud supports CAP for any empresa con usuarios administrados where OIDC SSO is enabled. Enterprise owners can choose to use this IP allow list configuration instead of GitHub Enterprise Cloud's IP allow list, and can do so once OIDC SSO is configured. For more information about IP allow lists, see "Restricting network traffic to your enterprise with an IP allow list" and "Administrar las direcciones IP permitidas en tu organización."

  • GitHub Enterprise Cloud enforces your IdP's IP conditions but cannot enforce your device compliance conditions.
  • Policies for multi-factor authentication are only enforced at the point of sign-in to the IdP.

For more information about using OIDC with Enterprise Managed Users, see "Configuración de OIDC para usuarios administrados de Enterprise" and "Migración de SAML a OIDC."

About CAP and deploy keys

A deploy key is an SSH key that grants access to an individual repository. Because deploy keys do not perform operations on behalf of a user, CAP IP conditions do not apply to any requests authenticated with a deploy key. For more information, see "Administrar las llaves de despliegue."

Considerations for integrations and automations

GitHub sends the originating IP address to your IdP for validation against your CAP. To make sure actions and apps are not blocked by your IdP's CAP, you will need to make changes to your configuration.

Advertencia: Si usas GitHub Enterprise Importer para migrar una organización de tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, asegúrate de usar una cuenta de servicio que esté exenta del CAP de Entra ID; de lo contrario, es posible que se bloquee la migración.

GitHub Actions

Actions that use a personal access token will likely be blocked by your IdP's CAP. We recommend that personal access tokens are created by a service account which is then exempted from IP controls in your IdP's CAP.

If you're unable to use a service account, another option for unblocking actions that use personal access tokens is to allow the IP ranges used by GitHub Actions. For more information, see "Acerca de las direcciones de IP de GitHub."

GitHub Codespaces

GitHub Codespaces may not be available if your enterprise uses OIDC SSO with CAP to restrict access by IP addresses. This is because codespaces are created with dynamic IP addresses which it's likely your IdP’s CAP will block. Other CAP policies may also affect GitHub Codespaces's availability, depending on the policy's specific setup.

The editor

The editor may not be available if your enterprise uses OIDC SSO with CAP to restrict access by IP addresses. This is because relies on dynamic IP addresses which it's likely your IdP’s CAP will block. Other CAP policies may also affect's availability, depending on the policy's specific setup.

GitHub Apps and OAuth apps

When GitHub Apps and OAuth apps sign a user in and make requests on that user's behalf, GitHub will send the IP address of the app's server to your IdP for validation. If the IP address of the app's server is not validated by your IdP's CAP, the request will fail.

When GitHub Apps call GitHub APIs acting either as the app itself or as an installation, these calls are not performed on behalf of a user. Since your IdP's CAP executes and applies policies to user accounts, these application requests cannot be validated against CAP and are always allowed through. For more information on GitHub Apps authenticating as themselves or as an installation, see "Acerca de la autenticación con una aplicación de GitHub".

You can contact the owners of the apps you want to use, ask for their IP ranges, and configure your IdP's CAP to allow access from those IP ranges. If you're unable to contact the owners, you can review your IdP sign-in logs to review the IP addresses seen in the requests, then allow-list those addresses.

If you do not wish to allow all of the IP ranges for all of your enterprise's apps, you can also exempt installed GitHub Apps and authorized OAuth apps from the IdP allow list. If you do so, these apps will continue working regardless of the originating IP address. For more information, see "Requerir las políticas para los ajustes de seguridad en tu empresa."

Further reading