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Creación de aplicaciones de GitHub para su empresa

Aprenda a crear una GitHub App para las organizaciones de su empresa.

¿Quién puede utilizar esta característica?

Enterprise owners.

You can create a GitHub App under your enterprise account. The app can only be installed on organizations within your enterprise, and can only be authorized by members of your enterprise. The app can't be installed on user accounts.

Step 1: Registering a GitHub App

To create a GitHub App, you must first register the app. See Registering a GitHub App.

Apps can also be transferred to an enterprise from a member or organization. To transfer an app, see Transferring ownership of a GitHub App.

Step 2: Building a GitHub App

After registering a GitHub App, you will want to write code to make your GitHub App do something. For examples of how to write code, see:

You should aim to follow best practices. See Best practices for creating a GitHub App.

Step 3: Authorizing or sharing your GitHub App

Once your GitHub App is registered, you'll need to make it available to organizations in your enterprise, either through authorization or installation, depending on the app’s purpose.

Enterprise owners can modify the permissions for apps owned by their enterprise at any time. Permissions changes will be automatically accepted by organizations in the enterprise.

Step 3a: Authorizing your GitHub App

Some GitHub Apps, like Copilot extensions, require authorization but do not need to be installed on an organization. Users in your enterprise can authorize the app to access resources within organizations. However, the app will only have access to GitHub resources where it is installed. See Authorizing GitHub Apps.

For apps that require installation to function, you can provide organization owners with an installation link. Once the app is installed, it will have access to the organization's resources. See Sharing your GitHub App.

Step 4: Installing your GitHub App (if required)

If your GitHub App requires installation (not just authorization), organization owners can use the install link to install the app on their organization. See Installing a GitHub App from a third party.