Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am 2021-09-23. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Getting started with GitHub Actions for GitHub Enterprise Server

Learn about enabling and configuring GitHub Actions on GitHub Enterprise Server for the first time.

Site administrators can enable GitHub Actions and configure enterprise settings.

Note: GitHub Actions was available for GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 as a limited beta. The beta has ended. GitHub Actions is now generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or later. For more information, see the GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 release notes.

Note: GitHub-hosted runners are not currently supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. You can see more information about planned future support on the GitHub public roadmap.

Review hardware considerations

Note: GitHub Actions was available for GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 as a limited beta. If you're upgrading an existing GitHub Enterprise Server instance to 3.0 or later and want to configure GitHub Actions, note that the minimum hardware requirements have increased. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter „Upgrade von GitHub Enterprise Server“.

The CPU and memory resources available to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance determine the maximum job throughput for GitHub Actions.

Internal testing at GitHub demonstrated the following maximum throughput for GitHub Enterprise Server instances with a range of CPU and memory configurations. You may see different throughput depending on the overall levels of activity on your instance.

vCPUsArbeitsspeicherMaximum job throughput
432 GBDemo or light testing
864 GB25 jobs
16160 GB35 jobs
32256 GB100 jobs

If you enabled the beta of GitHub Actions for the users of an existing instance, review the levels of activity for users and automations on the instance and ensure that you have provisioned adequate CPU and memory for your users. For more information about monitoring the capacity and performance of GitHub Enterprise Server, see "Monitoring your appliance."

For more information about minimum hardware requirements for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, see the hardware considerations for your instance's platform.

For more information about adjusting resources for an existing instance, see "Increasing storage capacity" and "Increasing CPU or memory resources."

External storage requirements

To enable GitHub Actions on GitHub Enterprise Server, you must have access to external blob storage.

GitHub Actions uses blob storage to store artifacts generated by workflow runs, such as workflow logs and user-uploaded build artifacts. The amount of storage required depends on your usage of GitHub Actions. Only a single external storage configuration is supported, and you can't use multiple storage providers at the same time.

GitHub Actions supports these storage providers:

  • Azure Blob storage
  • Amazon S3
  • S3-compatible MinIO Gateway for NAS

Note: These are the only storage providers that GitHub supports and can provide assistance with. Other S3 API-compatible storage providers are unlikely to work due to differences from the S3 API. Contact us to request support for additional storage providers.

Amazon S3 permissions

GitHub Actions requires the following permissions for the access key that will access the bucket:

  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
  • s3:ListMultipartUploadParts
  • s3:AbortMultipartUpload
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListBucket

Enabling GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions support on GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 was available as a limited beta. To configure GitHub Actions for your instance, upgrade to GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or later. For more information, see the GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 release notes and "Upgrading GitHub Enterprise Server."

Weiterführende Informationen

Networking considerations

If GitHub Actions is enabled for your enterprise, only HTTP proxies are supported. SOCK5 and HTTPS proxies and Polipo are not supported. For more information about using a proxy with GitHub Enterprise Server, see "Configuring an outbound web proxy server."

Reserved Names

When you enable GitHub Actions for your enterprise, two organizations are created: github and actions. If your enterprise already uses the github organization name, github-org (or github-github-org if github-org is also in use) will be used instead. If your enterprise already uses the actions organization name, github-actions (or github-actions-org if github-actions is also in use) will be used instead. Once actions is enabled, you won't be able to use these names anymore.