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Informationen zum Überwachungsprotokoll für dein Unternehmen

Zur Unterstützung des Debuggens sowie interner und externer Compliance stellt GitHub Protokolle von überwachten Benutzer-, Organisations- und Repositoryereignissen bereit.

About audit logs


Webhooks might be a good alternative to the audit log or API polling for certain use cases. Webhooks are a way for GitHub to notify your server when specific events occur for a repository, organization, or enterprise. Compared to the API or searching the audit log, webhooks can be more efficient if you just want to learn and possibly log when certain events occur on your enterprise, organization, or repository. See Webhooks documentation.

The audit log lists events triggered by activities that affect your enterprise within the last 180 days. The audit log retains Git events for seven days.

By default, only events from the past three months are displayed. To view older events, you must specify a date range with the created parameter. See Understanding the search syntax.

The name for each audit log entry is composed of a category of events, followed by an operation type. For example, the repo.create entry refers to the create operation on the repo category.

Each audit log entry shows applicable information about an event, such as:

  • The enterprise or organization an action was performed in
  • The user (actor) who performed the action
  • The user affected by the action
  • Which repository an action was performed in
  • The action that was performed
  • Which country the action took place in
  • The date and time the action occurred
  • The SAML SSO and SCIM identity of the user (actor) who performed the action
  • For actions outside of the web UI, how the user (actor) authenticated
  • Optionally, the source IP address for the user (actor) who performed the action

In addition to viewing your audit log, you can monitor activity in your enterprise in other ways, such as managing global webhooks. For more information, see Exploring user activity in your enterprise. You can also use the audit log, and other tools, to monitor the actions taken in response to security alerts. For more information, see Auditing security alerts.

Using your audit logs

As an enterprise owner, you can interact with the audit log data for your enterprise in several ways:

For a full list of audit log actions that may appear in your enterprise audit log, see Audit log events for your enterprise.

Further reading