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About enterprise policies

With enterprise policies, you can manage the policies for all the organizations owned by your enterprise.

To help you enforce business rules and regulatory compliance, policies provide a single point of management for all the organizations owned by an enterprise account.

各エンタープライズ ポリシーを使って、組織レベルでポリシーに使用できるオプションを制御します。 組織のポリシーを構成することを組織所有者に許可するポリシーを適用しないことを選択できます。または、一連のオプションから選び、あなたの企業が所有するすべての組織に適用することもできます。

For example, with the "Base permissions" policy, you can allow organization owners to configure the "Base permissions" policy for their organization, or you can enforce a specific base permissions level, such as "Read", for all organizations within the enterprise.

By default, no enterprise policies are enforced. To identify policies that should be enforced to meet the unique requirements of your business, we recommend reviewing all the available policies in your enterprise account, starting with repository management policies. For more information, see "Enforcing repository management polices in your enterprise."

While you're configuring enterprise policies, to help you understand the impact of changing each policy, you can view the current configurations for the organizations owned by your enterprise.

Another way to enforce standards within your enterprise is to use pre-receive hooks, which are scripts that run on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to implement quality checks. For more information, see "Enforcing policy with pre-receive hooks."

Further reading