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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-10-12. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.

Restoring a deleted organization

You can partially restore an organization that was previously deleted on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

Who can use this feature

Site administers can restore an organization on GitHub Enterprise Server.

About organization restoration

You can use the site admin dashboard to restore an organization that was previously deleted on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, as long as the audit log Elasticsearch indices contain the data for the org.delete event.

Immediately after you restore an organization, the organization will not be exactly the same as it was prior to the deletion. You'll have to manually restore any repositories that were owned by the organization. For more information, see "Restoring a deleted repository."

You can also use the audit log to help you manually re-add teams and organization members. For more information, see "Restoring members and teams."

Restoring an organization

  1. Em uma conta administrativa no GitHub Enterprise Server, no canto superior direito de qualquer página, clique em .

    Captura de tela do ícone de foguete para acesso � s configurações de administração do site

  2. Se você ainda não estiver na página "Administração do site", no canto superior esquerdo, clique em Administração do site.

    Captura de tela do link "Administração do site"

  3. Under "Search users, organizations, enterprises, teams, repositories, gists, and applications", search for the organization.

    Screenshot of the search field and Search button

  4. Under "Deleted accounts", to the right of the organization you want to restore, select the dropdown menu, then click Recreate.

    Screenshot of the dropdown menu for a deleted organization

Restoring members and teams

You can use the audit log to find a list of the previous members and teams of the organization, then recreate them manually. For more information about using the audit log, see "Auditing users across your enterprise."

In all the search phrases below, replace ORGANIZATION with the name of the organization and TEAM with the name of the team.

Restoring organization members

  1. To find all users who were added to and removed from the organization, search the audit log for action:org.add_member org:ORGANIZATION and action:org.remove_member org:ORGANIZATION.
  2. Manually add to the organization each user that should still be a member. For more information, see "Adding people to your organization."

Restoring teams

  1. To find each team name, search the audit log for action:team.create org:ORGANIZATION.
  2. Manually recreate the team. For more information, see "Creating a team."
  3. To find the members that have been added to each team, search for action:team.add_member team:"ORGANIZATION/TEAM".
  4. Manually re-add the team members. For more information, see "Adding organization members to a team."
  5. To find the repositories that the team was granted access to, search for action:team.add_repository team:"ORGANIZATION/TEAM".
  6. To find the access level that the team was granted for each repository, search for action:team.update_repository_permission team:"ORGANIZATION/TEAM".
  7. Manually give the team access again. For more information, see "Managing team access to an organization repository."