This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2022-10-12. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.
Managing organizations in your enterprise
Configuring visibility for organization membership
You can set visibility for new organization members across your enterprise to public or private. You can also prevent members from changing their visibility from the default.
Preventing users from creating organizations
You can prevent users from creating organizations in your enterprise.
Requiring two-factor authentication for an organization
You can require organization members and outside collaborators to enable two-factor authentication for their personal accounts in an organization, making it harder for malicious actors to access an organization's repositories and settings.
Creating teams
Teams give organizations the ability to create groups of members and control access to repositories. Team members can be granted read, write, or admin permissions to specific repositories.
Adding people to teams
Once a team has been created, organization admins can add users from your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to the team and determine which repositories they have access to.
Removing users from teams and organizations
If a member of your organization no longer requires access to certain repositories, you can remove them from the team that allows that access. If a member of your organization no longer requires access to any repositories owned by the organization, you can remove them from the organization.
Restoring a deleted organization
You can partially restore an organization that was previously deleted on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
Managing projects using Jira
You can integrate Jira with GitHub Enterprise Server for project management.
Continuous integration using Jenkins
You can automatically trigger build jobs on a Jenkins server when pushes are made to a repository in your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.