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Using the audit log API for your enterprise

You can programmatically retrieve enterprise events with the GraphQL API.

Who can use this feature

Enterprise owners and site administrators can use the audit log API.

Using the audit log API

You can interact with the audit log using the GraphQL API.

Timestamps and date fields in the API response are measured in UTC epoch milliseconds.

Querying the audit log GraphQL API

To ensure your intellectual property is secure, and you maintain compliance for your enterprise, you can use the audit log GraphQL API to keep copies of your audit log data and monitor:

  • Access to your organization or repository settings
  • Changes in permissions
  • Added or removed users in an organization, repository, or team
  • Users being promoted to admin
  • Changes to permissions of a GitHub App

Note that you can't retrieve Git events using the audit log API.

The GraphQL response can include data for up to 90 to 120 days.

Example 1: Members added to or removed from organizations in an enterprise

The query below fetches the audit logs for the avocado-corp enterprise and returns the first 10 organizations in the enterprise, where the only actions performed were adding or removing a member from an organization. The first 20 audit log entries for each organization are returned.

This query uses the auditlog field from the Organization object, and the OrgAddMemberAuditEntry and OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry objects. The GitHub account querying the enterprise audit log must be an organization owner for each organization within the enterprise.

  enterprise(slug: "avocado-corp") {
    organizations(first: 10, orderBy: {field: LOGIN, direction: DESC}) {
      nodes {
        auditLog(first: 20) {
          edges {
            node {
              ... on OrgAddMemberAuditEntry {
              ... on OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry {
      pageInfo {

The GraphQL API will return at most 100 nodes per query. To retrieve additional results, you'll need to implement pagination. For more information, see "Resource limitations" in the GraphQL API documentation and Pagination in the official GraphQL documentation.

Example 2: Events in an organization, for a specific date and actor

You can specify multiple search phrases, such as created and actor, by separating them in your query string with a space.

The query below fetches all the audit logs for the avocado-corp enterprise that relate to the octo-org organization, where the actions were performed by the octocat user on or after the 1 Jan, 2022. The first 20 audit log entries are returned, with the newest log entry appearing first.

This query uses the AuditEntry interface. The GitHub account querying the enterprise audit log must be an owner of the octo-org organization.

  enterprise(slug: "avocado-corp") {
    organizations(first: 1, query: "octo-org") {
      nodes {
        auditLog(first: 20, query: "actor:octocat created:>=2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: DESC}) {
          edges {
            node {
              ... on AuditEntry {
                user {

For more query examples, see the platform-samples repository.