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可以在企业中搜索已审� �操作的广泛列表。

Who can use this feature

Enterprise owners and site administrators can search the audit log.

关于搜索企业审� �日志

通过使用“筛选器”下拉菜单或键入搜索查询来直接从用户界面搜索企业审� �日志。


有关查看企业审� �日志的详细信息,请参阅“访问企业的审� �日志”。

也可以使用 API 检索审� �日志事件。 有关详细信息,请参阅“使用� 企业的审� �日志 API”。

� 法使用文本搜索条目。 但是,您可以使用各种过滤器构建搜索查询。 查询日志时使用的许多运算符,如 -><,与在 GitHub Enterprise Server 上搜索时的� �式相同。 有关详细信息,请参阅“在 GitHub 上搜索”。

注意:审� �日志列出了由影响企业的活动触发的事件。 GitHub Enterprise Server 的审� �日志将� 限期保留.

默认情况下,仅显示过去三个月的事件。 若要查看较旧的事件,必须使用 created 参数指定日期范围。 有关详细信息,请参阅“了解搜索语法”。


Yesterday's activity在过去一天中创建的所有操作。
Enterprise account managementbusiness 类别中的所有操作。
Organization membership邀请新用户� 入组织时的所有操作。
Team management与团队管理相关的所有操作。
- 从团队添� 或� 除用户帐户或存储库时
- 当团队维护者被提升或降级时
- � 除团队时
Repository management用于存储库管理的所有操作。
- 创建或� 除存储库时
- 更改存储库可见性时
- 从存储库添� 或� 除团队时
Hook activity用于 Webhook 和预接收挂钩的所有操作。
Security management有关 SSH 密钥、部署密钥、安全密钥、2FA 和 SAML 单一登录凭据授权以及存储库漏洞警报的所有操作。


� 可以用一个或多个 key:value 对(以 AND/OR 逻辑运算符分隔)构成一个搜索查询。 例如,要查看自 2017 年初开始影响存储库 octocat/Spoon-Knife 的所有操作:

repo:"octocat/Spoon-Knife" AND created:>=2017-01-01

可以在搜索查询中使用的 key:value 对包括:

actor_id发起操作的用户帐户的 ID
oauth_app_id与操作相关联的 OAuth 应用程序的 ID
action已审� �操作的名称
user_id受操作影响的用户的 ID
repo_id受操作影响的仓库的 ID(若适用)
actor_ip发起操作的 IP 地址
created发生操作的时间 。 如果从站点管理员仪表板查询审� �日志,请改用 created_at
note事件特定的其他信息(采用纯文本或 JSON � �式)
org_id受操作影响的组织的 ID(若适用)
business_id受操作影响的企业 ID(若适用)

要查看按类别分组的操作,还可以将操作限定符用作 key:value 对。 有关详细信息,请参阅“基于执行的操作进行搜索”。

有关企业审� �日志中的操作的完整列表,请参阅“企业的审� �日志操作”。

搜索审� �日志


使用 operation 限定符将操作限制为特定类型的操作。 例如:

  • operation:access 查找访问过资源的所有事件。
  • operation:authentication 查找执行过身份验证事件的所有事件。
  • operation:create 查找创建过资源的所有事件。
  • operation:modify 查找修改过现有资源的所有事件。
  • operation:remove 查找� 除过现有资源的所有事件。
  • operation:restore 查找还原过现有资源的所有事件。
  • operation:transfer 查找� 输过现有资源的所有事件。


使用 repo 限定符将操作限制到特定存储库。 例如:

  • repo:my-org/our-repo 查找 my-org 组织中 our-repo 存储库发生的所有事件。
  • repo:my-org/our-repo repo:my-org/another-repo 查找 my-org 组织中 our-repoanother-repo 存储库发生的所有事件。
  • -repo:my-org/not-this-repo 排除 my-org 组织中 not-this-repo 存储库发生的所有事件。

请注意,必须在 repo 限定符包括帐户名称;仅搜索 repo:our-repo 将不起作用。


actor 限定符可将事件范围限于执行操作的人员。 例如:

  • actor:octocat 查找 octocat 执行的所有事件。
  • actor:octocat actor:hubot 查找 octocathubot 执行的所有事件。
  • -actor:hubot 排除 hubot 执行的所有事件。

请注意,只能使用 GitHub Enterprise Server 用户名,而不是个人的真实姓名。


要搜索特定事件,请在查询中使用 action 限定符。 例如:

  • action:team 查找分组在团队类别中的所有事件。
  • -action:hook 排除 Webhook 类别中的所有事件。

每个类别都有一组可进行过滤的关联操作。 例如:

  • action:team.create 查找创建团队的所有事件。
  • -action:hook.events_changed 排除已更改 Webhook 上事件的所有事件。

可在企业审� �日志中找到的操作按以下类别分组:

Category nameDescription
artifactContains activities related to GitHub Actions workflow run artifacts.
businessContains activities related to business settings for an enterprise.
checksContains activities related to check suites and runs.
commit_commentContains activities related to updating or deleting commit comments.
config_entryContains activities related to configuration settings. These events are only visible in the site admin audit log.
dependency_graphContains organization-level configuration activities for dependency graphs for repositories. For more information, see "About the dependency graph."
dependency_graph_new_reposContains organization-level configuration activities for new repositories created in the organization.
dotcom_connectionContains activities related to GitHub Connect.
enterpriseContains activities related to enterprise settings.
gistContains activities related to Gists.
hookContains activities related to webhooks.
integrationContains activities related to integrations in an account.
integration_installationContains activities related to integrations installed in an account.
integration_installation_requestContains activities related to organization member requests for owners to approve integrations for use in the organization.
issueContains activities related to pinning, transferring, or deleting an issue in a repository.
issue_commentContains activities related to pinning, transferring, or deleting issue comments.
issuesContains activities related to enabling or disabling issue creation for an organization.
members_can_create_pagesContains activities related to managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."
members_can_create_private_pagesContains activities related to managing the publication of private GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization.
members_can_create_public_pagesContains activities related to managing the publication of public GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization.
members_can_delete_reposContains activities related to enabling or disabling repository creation for an organization.
oauth_accessContains activities related to OAuth access tokens.
oauth_applicationContains activities related to OAuth Apps.
orgContains activities related to organization membership.
org_credential_authorizationContains activities related to authorizing credentials for use with SAML single sign-on.
organization_default_labelContains activities related to default labels for repositories in an organization.
organization_domainContains activities related to verified organization domains.
organization_projects_changeContains activities related to organization-wide project boards in an enterprise.
pre_receive_environmentContains activities related to pre-receive hook environments.
pre_receive_hookContains activities related to pre-receive hooks.
private_instance_encryptionContains activities related to enabling private mode for an enterprise.
private_repository_forkingContains activities related to allowing forks of private and internal repositories, for a repository, organization or enterprise.
projectContains activities related to project boards.
project_fieldContains activities related to field creation and deletion in a project board.
project_viewContains activities related to view creation and deletion in a project board.
protected_branchContains activities related to protected branches.
public_keyContains activities related to SSH keys and deploy keys.
pull_requestContains activities related to pull requests.
pull_request_reviewContains activities related to pull request reviews.
pull_request_review_commentContains activities related to pull request review comments.
repoContains activities related to the repositories owned by an organization.
repository_imageContains activities related to images for a repository.
repository_invitationContains activities related to invitations to join a repository.
repository_projects_changeContains activities related to enabling projects for a repository or for all repositories in an organization.
repository_secret_scanningContains repository-level activities related to secret scanning. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
repository_vulnerability_alertContains activities related to Dependabot alerts.
restrict_notification_deliveryContains activities related to the restriction of email notifications to approved or verified domains for an enterprise.
secret_scanningContains organization-level configuration activities for secret scanning in existing repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
secret_scanning_new_reposContains organization-level configuration activities for secret scanning for new repositories created in the organization.
security_keyContains activities related to security keys registration and removal.
ssh_certificate_authorityContains activities related to a SSH certificate authority in an organization or enterprise.
ssh_certificate_requirementContains activities related to requiring members use SSH certificates to access organization resources.
staffContains activities related to a site admin performing an action.
teamContains activities related to teams in an organization.
team_discussionsContains activities related to managing team discussions for an organization.
two_factor_authenticationContains activities related to two-factor authentication.
userContains activities related to users in an enterprise or organization.
user_licenseContains activities related to a user occupying a licensed seat in, and being a member of, an enterprise.
workflowsContains activities related to GitHub Actions workflows.


使用 created 限定符可以� �据事件发生的时间筛选审� �日志中的事件。

日期� �式必须遵循 ISO8601 � �准,即 YYYY-MM-DD(年-月-日)。 也可以在日期后添� 可选的时间信息 THH:MM:SS+00:00,以按小时、分钟和秒进行搜索。 即 T,随后是 HH:MM:SS(时-分-秒)和 UTC 时差 (+00:00)。

搜索日期时,可以使用大于、小于和范围限定符来进一步筛选结果。 有关详细信息,请参阅“了解搜索语法”。


  • created:2014-07-08 查找 2014 年 7 月 8 日发生的所有事件。
  • created:>=2014-07-08 查找 2014 年 7 月 8 日当天或之后发生的所有事件。
  • created:<=2014-07-08 查找 2014 年 7 月 8 日当天或之前发生的所有事件。
  • created:2014-07-01..2014-07-31 查找 2014 年 7 月发生的所有事件。


使用限定符 country,可以� �据原始国家/地区筛选审� �日志中的事件。 � 可以使用国家/地区的两字母短代� �或完整名称。 名称中包含空� �的国家/地区需要� 引号。 例如:

  • country:de 查找在德国发生的所有事件。
  • country:Mexico 查找在墨西哥发生的所有事件。
  • country:"United States" 查找在美国发生的所有事件。