此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持。
Enterprise administrators guides
学� 如何通过 GitHub Enterprise Server 提高开发人员的工作效率和代� �质量。
Deploy an instance
Install GitHub Enterprise Server on your platform of choice and configure SAML authentication.启动学习路径- 1概述
System overview
Learn more about GitHub Enterprise Server's system internals, functionality, and security. - 2操作指南
安装 GitHub Enterprise
系统管理员以及操作和安全专业人员可以安装 GitHub Enterprise Server。 - 3操作指南
Accessing the management console
您可以使用 管理控制台 管理域、身份验证和 SSL 等虚拟设备设置。 - 4操作指南
Configuring a hostname
We recommend setting a hostname for your appliance instead of using a hard-coded IP address. - 5
Using SAML for enterprise IAM
You can centrally manage accounts and access to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance with SAML single sign-on (SSO). - 6参考
Site admin dashboard
您可以直接在 GitHub Enterprise Server 中使用站点管理面板来管理您企业中的用户、组织和仓库。
Enterprise administrators learning paths
Upgrade your instance
Test upgrades in staging, notify users of maintenance, and upgrade your instance for the latest features and security updates.
Adopt GitHub Actions for your enterprise
Learn how to plan and implement a rollout of GitHub Actions in your enterprise.
Increase the fault tolerance of your instance
Back up your developers' code and configure high availability (HA) to ensure the reliability of GitHub Enterprise Server in your environment.
Improve the security of your instance
Review network configuration and security features, and harden the instance running GitHub Enterprise Server to protect your enterprise's data.
Configure GitHub Actions
Allow your developers to create, automate, customize, and execute powerful software development workflows for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance with GitHub Actions.
Configure GitHub Advanced Security
Improve the quality and security of your developers' code with GitHub Advanced Security.
All Enterprise administrators guides
操作指南可以配置回退身份验证,允许在 CAS、LDAP 或 SAML 身份验证提供程序上没有帐户的人员进行内置身份验证。
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Changing authentication methods
概述You can change the way GitHub Enterprise Server authenticates with your existing accounts at any time.
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Configuring SAML single sign-on for your enterprise
操作指南You can control and secure access to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance by configuring SAML single sign-on (SSO) through your identity provider (IdP).
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
About SAML for enterprise IAM
概述You can use SAML single sign-on (SSO) to centrally manage access to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.
- Accounts
- Access management
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Configuring SAML single sign-on for your enterprise
操作指南You can control and secure access to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance by configuring SAML single sign-on (SSO) through your identity provider (IdP).
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Using CAS
操作指南If you use Central Authentication Service (CAS) to centralize access to multiple web applications, you can integrate GitHub Enterprise Server by configuring CAS authentication for your instance.
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Using LDAP
操作指南If you use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to centralize access across applications, you can integrate GitHub Enterprise Server by configuring LDAP authentication for your instance.
- Accounts
- Authentication
- Enterprise
- Identity
Using SAML for enterprise IAM
You can centrally manage accounts and access to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance with SAML single sign-on (SSO).
Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)
操作指南SSH 访问可让您运行 GitHub Enterprise Server 命令行实用程序,以进行故障排除、运行备份及配置复制。
- Enterprise
- Fundamentals