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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

Configuring collectd

GitHub Enterprise can gather data with collectd and send it to an external collectd server. Among other metrics, we gather a standard set of data such as CPU utilization, memory and disk consumption, network interface traffic and errors, and the VM's overall load.

Set up an external collectd server

If you haven't already set up an external collectd server, you will need to do so before enabling collectd forwarding on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. Your collectd server must be running collectd version 5.x or higher.

  1. Log into your collectd server.
  2. Create or edit the collectd configuration file to load the network plugin and populate the server and port directives with the proper values. On most distributions, this is located at /etc/collectd/collectd.conf

An example collectd.conf to run a collectd server:

LoadPlugin network
<Plugin network>
    Listen "" "25826"

Enable collectd forwarding on GitHub Enterprise

By default, collectd forwarding is disabled on GitHub Enterprise. Follow the steps below to enable and configure collectd forwarding:

  1. 从 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的管理帐户任意页面的右上角,单击

    用于访问站点管理员设置的火箭图� �的屏幕截图

  2. 如果� 尚未在“站点管理员”页上,请在左上角单击“站点管理员”。


  3. 在左侧边� �中,单击“管理控制台”。 左侧边� �中的 管理控制台 选项卡

  4. Below the log forwarding settings, select Enable collectd forwarding.

  5. In the Server address field, type the address of the collectd server to which you'd like to forward GitHub Enterprise appliance statistics.

  6. In the Port field, type the port used to connect to the collectd server. (Defaults to 25826)

  7. In the Cryptographic setup dropdown menu, select the security level of communications with the collectd server. (None, signed packets, or encrypted packets.)

  8. 在左侧边� �下,单击“保存设置”。

    管理控制台 中的“保存设置”按钮的屏幕截图

    注意:保存 管理控制台 中的设置会重启系统服务,这可能会导致用户可察觉的停机时间。

  9. 等待配置运行完毕。


Exporting collectd data with ghe-export-graphs

The command-line tool ghe-export-graphs will export the data that collectd stores in RRD databases. This command turns the data into XML and exports it into a single tarball (.tgz).

Its primary use is to provide the GitHub Enterprise 支持 team with data about a VM's performance, without the need for downloading a full Support Bundle. It shouldn't be included in your regular backup exports and there is no import counterpart. If you contact GitHub Enterprise 支持, we may ask for this data to assist with troubleshooting.


ssh -p 122 admin@[hostname] -- 'ghe-export-graphs' && scp -P 122 admin@[hostname]:~/graphs.tar.gz .


Central collectd server receives no data

GitHub Enterprise ships with collectd version 5.x. collectd 5.x is not backwards compatible with the 4.x release series. Your central collectd server needs to be at least version 5.x to accept data sent from your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

For help with further questions or issues, contact GitHub Enterprise 支持.