Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-06-03. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.
Issue assignees
About the Issue assignees API
The Issue assignees API supports managing assignees on issues and pull requests. Cada solicitud de extracción es un informe de problemas, pero no todos los informes de problemas son una solicitud de extracción. For this reason, "shared" actions for both features, like managing assignees, labels, and milestones, are provided within Issues API.
List assignees
Lists the available assignees for issues in a repository.
Encabezados |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
accept stringSetting to |
Parámetros de ruta |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
owner stringRequeridoThe account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
repo stringRequeridoThe name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
Parámetros de consulta |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
per_page integerThe number of results per page (max 100). Predeterminado: |
page integerPage number of the results to fetch. Predeterminado: |
Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP
Código de estado | Descripción |
200 | OK |
404 | Resource not found |
Ejemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \
Status: 200
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
Check if a user can be assigned
Checks if a user has permission to be assigned to an issue in this repository.
If the assignee
can be assigned to issues in the repository, a 204
header with no content is returned.
Otherwise a 404
status code is returned.
Encabezados |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
accept stringSetting to |
Parámetros de ruta |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
owner stringRequeridoThe account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
repo stringRequeridoThe name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
assignee stringRequerido |
Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP
Código de estado | Descripción |
204 | If the |
404 | Otherwise a |
Ejemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \
If the assignee
can be assigned to issues in the repository, a 204
header with no content is returned.
Status: 204
Add assignees to an issue
Adds up to 10 assignees to an issue. Users already assigned to an issue are not replaced.
Encabezados |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
accept stringSetting to |
Parámetros de ruta |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
owner stringRequeridoThe account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
repo stringRequeridoThe name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
issue_number integerRequeridoThe number that identifies the issue. |
Parámetros de cuerpo |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
assignees array of stringsUsernames of people to assign this issue to. NOTE: Only users with push access can add assignees to an issue. Assignees are silently ignored otherwise. |
Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP
Código de estado | Descripción |
201 | Created |
Ejemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/issues/ISSUE_NUMBER/assignees \
-d '{"assignees":["hubot","other_user"]}'
Status: 201
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDU6SXNzdWUx",
"url": "",
"repository_url": "",
"labels_url": "{/name}",
"comments_url": "",
"events_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"number": 1347,
"state": "open",
"title": "Found a bug",
"body": "I'm having a problem with this.",
"user": {
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"labels": [
"id": 208045946,
"node_id": "MDU6TGFiZWwyMDgwNDU5NDY=",
"url": "",
"name": "bug",
"description": "Something isn't working",
"color": "f29513",
"default": true
"assignee": {
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"assignees": [
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"milestone": {
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"labels_url": "",
"id": 1002604,
"node_id": "MDk6TWlsZXN0b25lMTAwMjYwNA==",
"number": 1,
"state": "open",
"title": "v1.0",
"description": "Tracking milestone for version 1.0",
"creator": {
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"open_issues": 4,
"closed_issues": 8,
"created_at": "2011-04-10T20:09:31Z",
"updated_at": "2014-03-03T18:58:10Z",
"closed_at": "2013-02-12T13:22:01Z",
"due_on": "2012-10-09T23:39:01Z"
"locked": true,
"active_lock_reason": "too heated",
"comments": 0,
"pull_request": {
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"diff_url": "",
"patch_url": ""
"closed_at": null,
"created_at": "2011-04-22T13:33:48Z",
"updated_at": "2011-04-22T13:33:48Z",
"closed_by": {
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
"author_association": "COLLABORATOR"
Remove assignees from an issue
Removes one or more assignees from an issue.
Encabezados |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
accept stringSetting to |
Parámetros de ruta |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
owner stringRequeridoThe account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
repo stringRequeridoThe name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive. |
issue_number integerRequeridoThe number that identifies the issue. |
Parámetros de cuerpo |
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción |
assignees array of stringsUsernames of assignees to remove from an issue. NOTE: Only users with push access can remove assignees from an issue. Assignees are silently ignored otherwise. |
Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP
Código de estado | Descripción |
200 | OK |
Ejemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \
http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/issues/ISSUE_NUMBER/assignees \
-d '{"assignees":["hubot","other_user"]}'
Status: 200
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"url": "",
"repository_url": "",
"labels_url": "{/name}",
"comments_url": "",
"events_url": "",
"html_url": "",
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"body": "I'm having a problem with this.",
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"url": "",
"name": "bug",
"description": "Something isn't working",
"color": "f29513",
"default": true
"assignee": {
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"closed_at": "2013-02-12T13:22:01Z",
"due_on": "2012-10-09T23:39:01Z"
"locked": true,
"active_lock_reason": "too heated",
"comments": 0,
"pull_request": {
"url": "",
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"closed_at": null,
"created_at": "2011-04-22T13:33:48Z",
"updated_at": "2011-04-22T13:33:48Z",
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"type": "User",
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"author_association": "COLLABORATOR"