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Git tags

The Git tags API lets you read and write tag objects to your Git database on GitHub Enterprise Server.

About the Git tags API

Una etiqueta de git es similar a una referencia de Git, pero la confirmación de Git a la que apunta jamás cambia. Las etiquetas de git son útiles cuando quieres apuntar a algún lanzamiento específico. Estas terminales te permiten leer y escribir objetos de etiquetasen tu base de datos de Git en GitHub Enterprise Server. La API de etiquetas de Git son compatibles únicamente con los objetos de etiqueta anotados, no con etiquetas ligeras.

Create a tag object

Funciona con GitHub Apps

Note that creating a tag object does not create the reference that makes a tag in Git. If you want to create an annotated tag in Git, you have to do this call to create the tag object, and then create the refs/tags/[tag] reference. If you want to create a lightweight tag, you only have to create the tag reference - this call would be unnecessary.

Signature verification object

The response will include a verification object that describes the result of verifying the commit's signature. The following fields are included in the verification object:

verifiedbooleanIndicates whether GitHub considers the signature in this commit to be verified.
reasonstringThe reason for verified value. Possible values and their meanings are enumerated in table below.
signaturestringThe signature that was extracted from the commit.
payloadstringThe value that was signed.

These are the possible values for reason in the verification object:

expired_keyThe key that made the signature is expired.
not_signing_keyThe "signing" flag is not among the usage flags in the GPG key that made the signature.
gpgverify_errorThere was an error communicating with the signature verification service.
gpgverify_unavailableThe signature verification service is currently unavailable.
unsignedThe object does not include a signature.
unknown_signature_typeA non-PGP signature was found in the commit.
no_userNo user was associated with the committer email address in the commit.
unverified_emailThe committer email address in the commit was associated with a user, but the email address is not verified on her/his account.
bad_emailThe committer email address in the commit is not included in the identities of the PGP key that made the signature.
unknown_keyThe key that made the signature has not been registered with any user's account.
malformed_signatureThere was an error parsing the signature.
invalidThe signature could not be cryptographically verified using the key whose key-id was found in the signature.
validNone of the above errors applied, so the signature is considered to be verified.


Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.

Parámetros de ruta
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

Parámetros de cuerpo
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

The tag's name. This is typically a version (e.g., "v0.0.1").


The tag message.


The SHA of the git object this is tagging.


The type of the object we're tagging. Normally this is a commit but it can also be a tree or a blob.

Puede ser una de las siguientes: commit, tree, blob


An object with information about the individual creating the tag.

Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

The name of the author of the tag


The email of the author of the tag


When this object was tagged. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP

Código de estadoDescripción



Validation failed

Ejemplos de código

curl \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/git/tags \ -d '{"tag":"v0.0.1","message":"initial version","object":"c3d0be41ecbe669545ee3e94d31ed9a4bc91ee3c","type":"commit","tagger":{"name":"Monalisa Octocat","email":"","date":"2011-06-17T14:53:35-07:00"}}'


Status: 201
{ "node_id": "MDM6VGFnOTQwYmQzMzYyNDhlZmFlMGY5ZWU1YmM3YjJkNWM5ODU4ODdiMTZhYw==", "tag": "v0.0.1", "sha": "940bd336248efae0f9ee5bc7b2d5c985887b16ac", "url": "", "message": "initial version", "tagger": { "name": "Monalisa Octocat", "email": "", "date": "2014-11-07T22:01:45Z" }, "object": { "type": "commit", "sha": "c3d0be41ecbe669545ee3e94d31ed9a4bc91ee3c", "url": "" }, "verification": { "verified": false, "reason": "unsigned", "signature": null, "payload": null } }

Get a tag

Funciona con GitHub Apps

Signature verification object

The response will include a verification object that describes the result of verifying the commit's signature. The following fields are included in the verification object:

verifiedbooleanIndicates whether GitHub considers the signature in this commit to be verified.
reasonstringThe reason for verified value. Possible values and their meanings are enumerated in table below.
signaturestringThe signature that was extracted from the commit.
payloadstringThe value that was signed.

These are the possible values for reason in the verification object:

expired_keyThe key that made the signature is expired.
not_signing_keyThe "signing" flag is not among the usage flags in the GPG key that made the signature.
gpgverify_errorThere was an error communicating with the signature verification service.
gpgverify_unavailableThe signature verification service is currently unavailable.
unsignedThe object does not include a signature.
unknown_signature_typeA non-PGP signature was found in the commit.
no_userNo user was associated with the committer email address in the commit.
unverified_emailThe committer email address in the commit was associated with a user, but the email address is not verified on her/his account.
bad_emailThe committer email address in the commit is not included in the identities of the PGP key that made the signature.
unknown_keyThe key that made the signature has not been registered with any user's account.
malformed_signatureThere was an error parsing the signature.
invalidThe signature could not be cryptographically verified using the key whose key-id was found in the signature.
validNone of the above errors applied, so the signature is considered to be verified.


Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.

Parámetros de ruta
Nombre, Tipo, Descripción

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


Códigos de estado de respuesta HTTP

Código de estadoDescripción



Resource not found

Ejemplos de código

curl \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/git/tags/TAG_SHA


Status: 200
{ "node_id": "MDM6VGFnOTQwYmQzMzYyNDhlZmFlMGY5ZWU1YmM3YjJkNWM5ODU4ODdiMTZhYw==", "tag": "v0.0.1", "sha": "940bd336248efae0f9ee5bc7b2d5c985887b16ac", "url": "", "message": "initial version", "tagger": { "name": "Monalisa Octocat", "email": "", "date": "2014-11-07T22:01:45Z" }, "object": { "type": "commit", "sha": "c3d0be41ecbe669545ee3e94d31ed9a4bc91ee3c", "url": "" }, "verification": { "verified": false, "reason": "unsigned", "signature": null, "payload": null } }