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This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2022-06-03. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Using workflow run logs

You can view, search, and download the logs for each job in a workflow run.

Note: GitHub-hosted runners are not currently supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. You can see more information about planned future support on the GitHub public roadmap.

You can see whether a workflow run is in progress or complete from the workflow run page. You must be logged in to a GitHub account to view workflow run information, including for public repositories. For more information, see "Access permissions on GitHub."

If the run is complete, you can see whether the result was a success, failure, canceled, or neutral. If the run failed, you can view and search the build logs to diagnose the failure and re-run the workflow. You can also view billable job execution minutes, or download logs and build artifacts.

GitHub Actions use the Checks API to output statuses, results, and logs for a workflow. GitHub creates a new check suite for each workflow run. The check suite contains a check run for each job in the workflow, and each job includes steps. GitHub Actions are run as a step in a workflow. For more information about the Checks API, see "Checks."

Note: Ensure that you only commit valid workflow files to your repository. If .github/workflows contains an invalid workflow file, GitHub Actions generates a failed workflow run for every new commit.

Viewing logs to diagnose failures

If your workflow run fails, you can see which step caused the failure and review the failed step's build logs to troubleshoot. You can see the time it took for each step to run. You can also copy a permalink to a specific line in the log file to share with your team. Read access to the repository is required to perform these steps.

In addition to the steps configured in the workflow file, GitHub adds two additional steps to each job to set up and complete the job's execution. These steps are logged in the workflow run with the names "Set up job" and "Complete job".

For jobs run on GitHub-hosted runners, "Set up job" records details of the runner's virtual environment, and includes a link to the list of preinstalled tools that were present on the runner machine.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click Actions. Actions tab in the main repository navigation

  3. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to see. Workflow list in left sidebar

  4. From the list of workflow runs, click the name of the run to see the workflow run summary.

    Name of workflow run

  5. Under Jobs or in the visualization graph, click the job you want to see.

    Lint code base job

  6. Any failed steps are automatically expanded to display the results.

    Super linter workflow results

  7. Optionally, to get a link to a specific line in the logs, click on the step's line number. You can then copy the link from the address bar of your web browser.

    Button to copy link

Searching logs

You can search the build logs for a particular step. When you search logs, only expanded steps are included in the results. Read access to the repository is required to perform these steps.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click Actions. Actions tab in the main repository navigation

  3. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to see. Workflow list in left sidebar

  4. From the list of workflow runs, click the name of the run to see the workflow run summary.

    Name of workflow run

  5. Under Jobs or in the visualization graph, click the job you want to see.

    Lint code base job

  6. In the upper-right corner of the log output, in the Search logs search box, type a search query. Search box to search logs

Downloading logs

You can download the log files from your workflow run. You can also download a workflow's artifacts. For more information, see "Persisting workflow data using artifacts." Read access to the repository is required to perform these steps.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click Actions. Actions tab in the main repository navigation

  3. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to see. Workflow list in left sidebar

  4. From the list of workflow runs, click the name of the run to see the workflow run summary.

    Name of workflow run

  5. Under Jobs or in the visualization graph, click the job you want to see.

    Lint code base job

  6. In the upper right corner, click and select Download log archive.

    Download logs drop-down menu

Deleting logs

You can delete the log files from your workflow run. Write access to the repository is required to perform these steps.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click Actions. Actions tab in the main repository navigation

  3. In the left sidebar, click the workflow you want to see. Workflow list in left sidebar

  4. From the list of workflow runs, click the name of the run to see the workflow run summary.

    Name of workflow run

  5. In the upper right corner, click .

    Kebab-horizontal icon

  6. To delete the log files, click the Delete all logs button and review the confirmation prompt.

    Delete all logs

After deleting logs, the Delete all logs button is removed to indicate that no log files remain in the workflow run.

Viewing logs with GitHub CLI

To learn more about GitHub CLI, see "About GitHub CLI."

To view the log for a specific job, use the run view subcommand. Replace run-id with the ID of run that you want to view logs for. GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a job from the run. If you don't specify run-id, GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a recent run, and then returns another interactive menu for you to choose a job from the run.

gh run view run-id --log

You can also use the --job flag to specify a job ID. Replace job-id with the ID of the job that you want to view logs for.

gh run view --job job-id --log

You can use grep to search the log. For example, this command will return all log entries that contain the word error.

gh run view --job job-id --log | grep error

To filter the logs for any failed steps, use --log-failed instead of --log.

gh run view --job job-id --log-failed