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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-09-25. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Сведения о защите push-уведомлений

Push-защита блокирует отправку секретов в репозиторий и создает оповещение всякий раз, когда участник проходит блок. Вы можете применить защиту push-уведомлений на уровне репозитория или организации.

Кто может использовать эту функцию?

Защита от отправки для репозиториев и организаций доступна для следующих типов репозиториев:

About push protection

Push protection is a secret scanning feature that is designed to prevent sensitive information, such as secrets or tokens, from being pushed to your repository in the first place. Unlike secret scanning, which detects secrets after they have been committed, push protection proactively scans your code for secrets during the push process and blocks the push if any are detected.

Push protection helps you avoid the risks associated with exposed secrets, like unauthorized access to resources or services. With this feature, developers get immediate feedback and can address potential issues before they become a security concern.

For information about the secrets and service providers supported by push protection, see "Supported secret scanning patterns."

How push protection works

Push protection works:

Once enabled, if push protection detects a potential secret during a push attempt, it will block the push and provide a detailed message explaining the reason for the block. You will need to review the code in question, remove any sensitive information, and reattempt the push.

By default, anyone with write access to the repository can choose to bypass push protection by specifying one of the bypass reasons outlined in the table. If a contributor bypasses a push protection block for a secret, GitHub:

  • Creates an alert in the Security tab of the repository.
  • Adds the bypass event to the audit log.
  • Sends an email alert to organization or personal account owners, security managers, and repository administrators who are watching the repository, with a link to the secret and the reason why it was allowed.

This table shows the behavior of alerts for each way a user can bypass a push protection block.

Bypass reasonAlert behavior
It's used in testsGitHub creates a closed alert, resolved as "used in tests"
It's a false positiveGitHub creates a closed alert, resolved as "false positive"
I'll fix it laterGitHub creates an open alert

About the benefits of push protection

  • Preventative security: Push protection acts as a frontline defense mechanism by scanning code for secrets at the time of the push. This preventative approach helps to catch potential issues before they are merged into your repository.

  • Immediate feedback: Developers receive instant feedback if a potential secret is detected during a push attempt. This immediate notification allows for quick remediation, reducing the likelihood of sensitive information being exposed.

  • Reduced risk of data leaks: By blocking commits that contain sensitive information, push protection significantly reduces the risk of accidental data leaks. This helps in safeguarding against unauthorized access to your infrastructure, services, and data.

  • Efficient secret management: Instead of retrospectively dealing with exposed secrets, developers can address issues at the source. This makes secret management more efficient and less time-consuming.

  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines: Push Protection can be integrated into your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring that every push is scanned for secrets before it gets deployed. This adds an extra layer of security to your DevOps practices.

  • Ability to detect custom patterns: Organizations can define custom patterns for detecting secrets unique to their environment. This customization ensures that push Protection can effectively identify and block even non-standard secrets.

Customizing push protection

Once push protection is enabled, you can customize it further:

Integrate with CI/CD pipelines

Integrate push protection with your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to ensure that it runs scans during automated processes. This typically involves adding steps in your pipeline configuration file to call GitHub's APIs or using GitHub Actions.

Define custom patterns

Define custom patterns that push protection can use to identify secrets and block pushes containing these secrets. For more information, see "Defining custom patterns for secret scanning."

Further reading