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Configuring autolinks to reference external resources


You can add autolinks to external resources like JIRA issues and Zendesk tickets to help streamline your workflow.

自動リンクは、GitHub Pro、GitHub Team、GitHub Enterprise Cloud,、GitHub Enterprise Server のリポジトリ内で利用できます。

Anyone with admin permissions to a repository can configure autolink references to link issues, pull requests, commit messages, and release descriptions to external third-party services.

This procedure demonstrates how to configure autolinks to reference external resources. For example, if you use Zendesk to track user-reported tickets, you can reference a ticket number in the pull request you opened to fix the issue.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. リポジトリ名の下の [ 設定] をクリックします。 リポジトリの設定ボタン

  3. In the left sidebar, click Autolink references. Autolink references tab in the left sidebar.

  4. Click Add autolink reference. Button to fill out autolink reference information.

  5. Under "Reference prefix", type a short, meaningful prefix you want collaborators to use to generate autolinks for the external resource. Field to type abbreviation for external system.

  6. Under "Target URL", type the link to the external system you want to link to. Use the <num> variable as a placeholder for the reference identifier. Field to type URL to external system.

  7. Click Add autolink reference. Button to add autolink reference.