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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-10-12. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの向上、新機能の向上を図るために、最新バージョンの GitHub Enterprise にアップグレードします。 アップグレードに関するヘルプについては、GitHub Enterprise サポートにお問い合わせく� さい

Filtering and searching issues and pull requests

To find detailed information about a repository on GitHub Enterprise Server, you can filter, sort, and search issues and pull requests that are relevant to the repository.

ヒント: GitHub CLI を使用して、issue または pull request をフィルタリングすることもできます。 詳細については、GitHub CLI ドキュメントの「gh issue list」または「gh pr list」を参照してく� さい。

Filtering issues and pull requests

Issues and pull requests come with a set of default filters you can apply to organize your listings.

検索修飾子 review-requested:[USERNAME] または team-review-requested:[TEAMNAME] が使用された、自分または自分がメンバーであるチー� が確認を求められているプルリクエストを探すことができます。 詳細については、「Searching issues and pull requests」 (問題とプルリクエストの検索) を参照してく� さい。

You can filter issues and pull requests to find:

  • All open issues and pull requests
  • Issues and pull requests that you've created
  • Issues and pull requests that are assigned to you
  • Issues and pull requests where you're @mentioned

ヒント: GitHub CLI を使用して、issue または pull request をフィルタリングすることもできます。 詳細については、GitHub CLI ドキュメントの「gh issue list」または「gh pr list」を参照してく� さい。

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. リポジトリ名の下で、 [issue] または [pull request] をクリックします。 issue と pull request のタブの選択
  3. Click Filters to choose the type of filter you're interested in. Using the Filters drop-down

Filtering issues and pull requests by assignees

Once you've assigned an issue or pull request to someone, you can find items based on who's working on them.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. リポジトリ名の下で、 [issue] または [pull request] をクリックします。 issue と pull request のタブの選択
  3. In the upper-right corner, select the Assignee drop-down menu.
  4. The Assignee drop-down menu lists everyone who has write access to your repository. Click the name of the person whose assigned items you want to see, or click Assigned to nobody to see which issues are unassigned. Using the Assignees drop-down tab

To clear your filter selection, click Clear current search query, filters, and sorts.

Filtering issues and pull requests by labels

Once you've applied labels to an issue or pull request, you can find items based on their labels.

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. リポジトリ名の下で、 [issue] または [pull request] をクリックします。 issue と pull request のタブの選択
  3. issue または pull request の一覧の上にある [Labels](ラベル) をクリックします。 リポジトリの issue もしくは pull request ページの[Labels](ラベル) タブ
  4. In the list of labels, click a label to see the issues and pull requests that it's been applied to. List of a repository's labels

Tip: To clear your filter selection, click Clear current search query, filters, and sorts.

Filtering pull requests by review status

You can use filters to list pull requests by review status and to find pull requests that you've reviewed or other people have asked you to review.

You can filter a repository's list of pull requests to find:

  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. リポジトリ名の下にある [pull request] をクリックします。 [pull request] タブの選択
  3. In the upper-right corner, select the Reviews drop-down menu. Reviews drop-down menu in the filter menu above the list of pull requests
  4. Choose a filter to find all of the pull requests with that filter's status. List of filters in the Reviews drop-down menu

Using search to filter issues and pull requests

You can use advanced filters to search for issues and pull requests that meet specific criteria.

Searching for issues and pull requests

The issues and pull requests search bar allows you to define your own custom filters and sort by a wide variety of criteria. You can find the search bar on each repository's Issues and Pull requests tabs and on your Issues and Pull requests dashboards.

The issues and pull requests search bar

Tip: キーボードショートカットを使えば、Issueあるいはプルリクエストのリストの上にある検索バー上のカーソルに集中できます。 詳細については、「Keyboard shortcuts」 (キーボード ショートカット) を参照してく� さい。

GitHub CLI の詳細については、「GitHub CLI について」を参照してく� さい。

You can use the GitHub CLI to search for issues or pull requests. Use the gh issue list or gh pr list subcommand along with the --search argument and a search query.

For example, you can list, in order of date created, all issues that have no assignee and that have the label help wanted or bug.

gh issue list --search 'no:assignee label:"help wanted",bug sort:created-asc'

You can also list all pull requests that mention the octo-org/octo-team team.

gh pr list --search "team:octo-org/octo-team"

About search terms

With issue and pull request search terms, you can:

  • Filter issues and pull requests by author: state:open type:issue author:octocat
  • Filter issues and pull requests that involve, but don't necessarily @mention, certain people: state:open type:issue involves:octocat
  • Filter issues and pull requests by assignee: state:open type:issue assignee:octocat
  • Filter issues and pull requests by label: state:open type:issue label:"bug"
  • Filter out search terms by using - before the term: state:open type:issue -author:octocat

For issues, you can also use search to:

  • Filter for issues that are linked to a pull request by a closing reference: linked:pr

For pull requests, you can also use search to:

  • Filter draft pull requests: is:draft
  • Filter pull requests that haven't been reviewed yet: state:open type:pr review:none
  • Filter pull requests that require a review before they can be merged: state:open type:pr review:required
  • Filter pull requests that a reviewer has approved: state:open type:pr review:approved
  • Filter pull requests in which a reviewer has asked for changes: state:open type:pr review:changes_requested
  • Filter pull requests by reviewer: state:open type:pr reviewed-by:octocat
  • Filter pull requests by the specific user requested for review: state:open type:pr review-requested:octocat
  • Filter pull requests by the team requested for review: state:open type:pr team-review-requested:github/docs
  • Filter for pull requests that are linked to an issue that the pull request may close: linked:issue

Sorting issues and pull requests

Filters can be sorted to provide better information during a specific time period.

You can sort any filtered view by:

  • The newest created issues or pull requests
  • The oldest created issues or pull requests
  • The most commented issues or pull requests
  • The least commented issues or pull requests
  • The newest updated issues or pull requests
  • The oldest updated issues or pull requests
  • The most added reaction on issues or pull requests
  1. On your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. リポジトリ名の下で、 [issue] または [pull request] をクリックします。 issue と pull request のタブの選択
  3. In the upper-right corner, select the Sort drop-down menu. Using the Sort drop-down tab

To clear your sort selection, click Sort > Newest.

Sharing filters

When you filter or sort issues and pull requests, your browser's URL is automatically updated to match the new view.

You can send the URL that issues generates to any user, and they'll be able to see the same filter view that you see.

For example, if you filter on issues assigned to Hubot, and sort on the oldest open issues, your URL would update to something like the following:


Further reading