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Restricting deploy keys in your organization

To protect your organization's data, you can configure permissions for creating deploy keys in your organization.

Qui peut utiliser cette fonctionnalité ?

Organization owners.

You can choose whether members can create deploy keys for repositories in your organization.

By default, new organizations are configured to disallow the creation of deploy keys in repositories.

Organization owners can restrict the creation of deploy keys to help prevent sensitive information from being exposed. For more information, see "Bonnes pratiques pour empêcher les fuites de données dans votre organisation" and "Gestion des clés de déploiement." If you want more fine-grained control over permissions, consider using a GitHub App instead. See "Vue d’ensemble des applications GitHub."

If your organization is owned by an enterprise account, you may not be able to configure this setting for your organization, if an enterprise owner has set a policy at the enterprise level. For more information, see "Application de stratégies de gestion des dépôts dans votre entreprise."


Changing this setting to disabled will result in existing deploy keys being disabled in all repositories in the organization. Scripts, apps, or workflows that create, use, or delete deploy keys will no longer work.

  1. Dans le coin supérieur droit de GitHub, sélectionnez votre photo de profil, puis cliquez sur Vos organisations.
  2. En regard de l’organisation, cliquez sur Paramètres.
  3. Dans la section « Accès » de la barre latérale, cliquez sur Privilèges des membres.
  4. Under "Deploy keys", review the information about changing the setting, click Enabled or Disabled.
  5. Click Save.