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À propos de la mise en réseau des produits de capacité de calcul hébergée dans votre organisation

Vous pouvez gérer la mise en réseau privée pour les produits hébergés par GitHub à l’aide de configurations réseau dans votre organisation.

Qui peut utiliser cette fonctionnalité ?

Les propriétaires d’organisation des organisations d’une entreprise peuvent configurer la mise en réseau privée Azure pour les exécuteurs hébergés par GitHub au niveau de l’organisation.

About network configurations

Network configurations provide an overarching construct to manage private networking settings for GitHub-hosted compute products including GitHub-hosted runners.

By customizing network configurations for hosted compute products, you can securely access private resources, control outbound network access, and monitor network traffic. This allows you to control and manage network security for your development and CI/CD managed infrastructure within a single place.

About Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners

You can use GitHub-hosted runners in an Azure VNET. This enables you to use GitHub-managed infrastructure for CI/CD while providing you with full control over the networking policies of your runners. For more information about Azure VNET, see What is Azure Virtual Network? in the Azure documentation.

By default, organizations in an enterprise cannot create new network configurations and only inherit enterprise-level network configurations. Enterprise owners can set a policy that allows organizations in the enterprise to create network configurations that are independent of the enterprise. For more information, see Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your enterprise.

For more information about how using an Azure VNET with GitHub-hosted runners works, see About Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your organization.

To use GitHub-hosted runners with an Azure VNET, you will need to configure your Azure resources and then create a networking configuration in GitHub.

By default, organizations in an enterprise cannot create new network configurations and only inherit enterprise-level network configurations. Enterprise owners can set a policy that allows organizations in the enterprise to create network configurations that are independent of the enterprise. For more information, see Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your enterprise.

For procedures to configure Azure private networking at the enterprise level, see Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your enterprise.

For procedures to configure Azure private networking at the organization level, see Configuring private networking for GitHub-hosted runners in your organization.