The terms of Soporte prémium de GitHub are subject to change without notice and are effective as of November 2021.
Cuando utilizas las ofertas de soporte de GitHub, se aplicarán las condiciones de tu acuerdo, la Declaración de Privacidad de GitHub y el Acuerdo de Protección de Datos de GitHub. Por "Acuerdo", nos referimos al acuerdo principal con nosotros, es decir, las Condiciones de Servicio Corporativo de GitHub, el Acuerdo de Cliente de GitHub o tu Acuerdo de licencia por volumen de Microsoft.
About Soporte prémium de GitHub
In addition to all of the benefits of Soporte para GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Enterprise customers can purchase Soporte prémium de GitHub, which offers:
- Soporte técnico por escrito, en inglés, a través del portal de soporte de 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.
- Phone support via callback request, in English, through our support portal 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
- Un Acuerdo de nivel de servicio (SLA) con tiempos de respuesta iniciales garantizados.
- Acceso a contenido prémium.
- Scheduled Health Checks
- Administration assistance hours
Soporte prémium de GitHub plans
There are two Soporte prémium de GitHub plans: Premium and Premium Plus / GitHub Engineering Direct.
Plan prémium | Premium Plus Plan/GitHub Engineering Direct | |
Hours of operation | 24 x 7 | 24 x 7 |
Initial response time |
Support channels |
Training | Access to premium content |
Members with support entitlements | 10 | 25 |
Resources | Priority ticket handling |
Scheduled checks | Bi-annual health check and reporting |
Administration assistance | 4 hours per month |
Scheduled checks are limited to one organization per term. You can add scheduled checks for additional organizations at any time for an additional fee by contacting our account management team or calling +1 (877) 448-4820.
You can generate a Health Check at any time by uploading a support bundle. For more information, see "Generating a Health Check for your enterprise."
For the Premium Plus Plan/GitHub Engineering Direct, 50% of unused Managed Services hours roll over to the next month and expire at the end of the quarter.
Enterprise owners and billing managers automatically have a support entitlement. Enterprise owners can add support entitlements to members of organizations owned by their enterprise account. For more information, see "Managing support entitlements for your enterprise."
Signing up for Soporte prémium de GitHub
To sign up for Soporte prémium de GitHub or upgrade your plan, you can contact our account management team or call +1 (877) 448-4820.
Scope of support
Si tu solicitud de soporte técnico está fuera del alcance de lo que puede hacer nuestro equipo para ayudarte, podemos recomendarte los siguientes pasos para resolver el problema por fuera del Soporte de GitHub. Es probable que tu solicitud de soporte técnico esté fuera del alcance de Soporte de GitHub si se trata principalmente de lo siguiente:
- Integraciones de terceros, tales como Jira
- Configuración de hardware
- CI/CD, como Jenkins
- Escribir scripts
- Configuración de sistemas de autenticación externos, como proveedores de identidad SAML
- Poryectos de código abierto
- Diseño de clúster LGTM
- Crear o depurar el código de nuevas consultas para CodeQL
Si no estás seguro de si el problema está fuera de nuestro alcance, abre un ticket y nos complacerá ayudarte a determinar la mejor manera de continuar.
Contacting Soporte prémium de GitHub
Soporte prémium de GitHub customers can use the GitHub Support portal to report issues in writing, in English.
Hours of operation
Soporte prémium de GitHub is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. If you purchased Soporte prémium de GitHub prior to September 17, 2018, support is limited during holidays. For more information on holidays Soporte prémium de GitHub observes, see the holiday schedule at "About Soporte de GitHub."
Service Level Agreement response times
For tickets you submit, support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. The initial response time guaranteed by the SLA is dependent on the priority level of the ticket. Response time begins when Soporte prémium de GitHub sets the priority level of the ticket. A response does not mean the issue has been resolved.
Ticket priority level | Initial response time |
Urgente | 30 minutes |
Alto | 4 hours |
Instalar lanzamientos de GitHub Enterprise Server
Para asegurar que el tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server sea estable, debes instalar e implementar lanzamientos de GitHub Enterprise Server. Instalar lanzamientos del GitHub Enterprise Server garantiza que tengas las últimas características, modificaciones y mejoras así como también cualquier actualización a características, correcciones de código, patch u otras actualizaciones y correcciones generales para el GitHub Enterprise Server.
You must install the minimum supported version of GitHub Enterprise Server pursuant to the Supported Releases section of your applicable license agreement within 90 days of placing an order for Soporte prémium de GitHub.
Assigning a priority to a support ticket
When you contact Soporte prémium de GitHub, you can choose one of four priorities for the ticket: Urgente, Alto, Normal, or Bajo.
Ticket priorities for Nube de GitHub Enterprise
Priority | Description | Examples |
Urgente | Production workflows for your organization or enterprise on Nube de GitHub Enterprise are failing due to critical service errors or outages, and the failure directly impacts the operation of your business. |
Alto | Account or security issues with your organization or enterprise on Nube de GitHub Enterprise are causing limited impact to your business. |
Normal | Members of your organization or enterprise on Nube de GitHub Enterprise are experiencing limited or moderate issues with, or you have general concerns or questions about your organization or enterprise. |
Bajo | You have a question or suggestion about your organization or enterprise on Nube de GitHub Enterprise that is not time-sensitive, or does not otherwise block the productivity of your team. |
Ticket priorities for GitHub Enterprise Server
Prioridad | Descripción | Ejemplos |
Urgente | GitHub Enterprise Server está fallando en un ambiente productivo, y dicha falla impacta en la operación de tu negocio. El soporte para tickets con prioridad Urgente se encuentra disponible únicamente en inglés. |
Alto | GitHub Enterprise Server está fallando en un ambiente productivo, pero el impacto a tu negocio es limitado. |
Normal | Estás experimentando problemas limitados o moderados con GitHub Enterprise Server, o tienes preocupaciones o dudas generales sobre la operación de tu instancia. |
Bajo | Tienes una pregunta o sugerencia acerca de GitHub Enterprise Server que no es urgente o que no bloquea la productividad de tu equipo de otra forma. |
Resolving and closing support tickets
Soporte prémium de GitHub may consider a ticket solved after providing an explanation, recommendation, usage instructions, workaround instructions, or by advising you of an available GitHub Enterprise Server release that addresses the issue.
If you use a custom or unsupported plug-in, module, or custom code, Soporte prémium de GitHub may ask you to remove the unsupported plug-in, module, or code while attempting to resolve the issue. If the problem is fixed when the unsupported plug-in, module, or custom code is removed, Soporte prémium de GitHub may consider the ticket solved.
Soporte prémium de GitHub may close a ticket if the ticket is outside the scope of support or if multiple attempts to contact you have gone unanswered. If Soporte prémium de GitHub closes a ticket due to lack of response, you can request that Soporte prémium de GitHub reopen the ticket.
Receiving credits for missed responses to support tickets
If you don't receive an initial response within the guaranteed response time to more than four tickets in a given quarter based on GitHub's fiscal year, you're eligible for a credit. To honor the SLA, GitHub will refund 20% of the quarterly Soporte prémium de GitHub fee in cash. To receive the refund, you must submit a credit request.
The credit request must be made within 30 days of the end of the quarter during which Soporte prémium de GitHub did not respond to your tickets within the designated response time. Credit requests will not be honored if the respective deadline has passed. Once the respective deadline passes, you have waived the ability to claim a refund for the qualified credit.
To receive a refund, you must submit a completed credit request to To be eligible, the credit request must:
- Be sent from an email address associated with your account on tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server
- Be received by GitHub by the end of the 30th day after the quarter in which the four qualifying credits occurred
- Include "Credit Request" in the subject line
The following information must be included in your credit request:
- Date (The date must be within 30 days after the quarter based on GitHub’s fiscal year end in which the claims occurred [January 31, April 30, July 31, or October 31].)
- Customer contact (You must specify both name and email address.)
- Customer address
- Qualifying credits (You must provide the date of each qualifying credit and the associated ticket number.)
- Ticket numbers
Accessing premium content
You can access premium content by signing in to the GitHub Support portal.