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Archiving items from your project

You can archive items, keeping them available to restore, or permanently delete them.


A project can contain a maximum of 50,000 items and 10,000 archived items.

Archiving items

You can archive an item to keep the context about the item in the project but remove it from the project views. You can also configure your project's built-in workflows to automatically archive items that meet certain criteria. For more information, see Archiving items automatically.

  1. If you're using a table or board layout, first select the item:

    • In a table layout, click on the row number.
    • In a board layout, click on the card.

    To select multiple items, do one of the following:

    • Hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows/Linux) and select each item.
    • Select an item then press Shift+ or Shift+ to select additional items above or below the selected item.
    • Select an item then press Shift and select another item to select all items between the two items.
    • With a row or item already selected, press Command+A (Mac) or Ctrl+A (Windows/Linux) to select all items in a column in a board layout or all items in a table layout.
  2. Click (in table or roadmap layout) or (in board layout).

  3. Click Archive.

  4. When prompted, confirm your choice by clicking Archive.

Restoring archived items

  1. Navigate to your project.

  2. In the top-right, click .

    Screenshot showing a project's menu bar. The menu icon is highlighted with an orange outline.

  3. In the menu, click Archived items.

  4. Optionally, to filter the archived items displayed, type your filter into the text box above the list of items. For more information about the available filters, see Filtering projects.

  5. To the left of each item title, select the items you would like to restore.

    Screenshot of a list of archived items. To the left of the first item, a checkbox is outlined in dark orange.

  6. To restore the selected items, above the list of items, click Restore.

Deleting items

You can delete an item to remove it from the project entirely.

  1. If you're using a table or board layout, first select the item:

    • In a table layout, click on the row number.
    • In a board layout, click on the card.

    To select multiple items, do one of the following:

    • Hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows/Linux) and select each item.
    • Select an item then press Shift+ or Shift+ to select additional items above or below the selected item.
    • Select an item then press Shift and select another item to select all items between the two items.
    • With a row or item already selected, press Command+A (Mac) or Ctrl+A (Windows/Linux) to select all items in a column in a board layout or all items in a table layout.
  2. Click (in table or roadmap layout) or (in board layout).

  3. Click Delete from project.

  4. When prompted, confirm your choice by clicking Delete.