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Setting up your project for healthy contributions

Repository maintainers can set contributing guidelines to help collaborators make meaningful, useful contributions to a project.

About community management and moderation

GitHub offers tools that help repository maintainers establish and enforce standards of behavior in their communities on

About community profiles for public repositories

Repository maintainers can review their public repository's community profile to learn how they can help grow their community and support contributors. Contributors can view a public repository's community profile to see if they want to contribute to the project.

Accessing a project's community profile

View a public repository's community profile to check on a project's health and decide if you want to contribute.

Adding a code of conduct to your project

Adopt a code of conduct to define community standards, signal a welcoming and inclusive project, and outline procedures for handling abuse.

Setting guidelines for repository contributors

You can create guidelines to communicate how people should contribute to your project.

Adding a license to a repository

You can include an open source license in your repository to make it easier for other people to contribute.

Adding support resources to your project

You can create a SUPPORT file to let people know about ways to get help with your project.

Creating a default community health file

You can create default community health files, such as CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT. Default files will be used for any repository owned by the account that does not contain its own file of that type.

Encouraging helpful contributions to your project with labels

Apply the good first issue label to issues in your repository to highlight opportunities for people to contribute to your project.