Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-10-12. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.
Sobre a API de Seguidores
Muitos dos recursos dessa API fornecem um atalho para obter informações sobre o usuário autenticado atualmente. Se uma URL de solicitação não incluir um parâmetro {username}
, a resposta será para o usuário conectado (e você precisará transmitir informações de autenticação com a sua solicitação).. Informações particulares adicionais, como se um usuário tem a autenticação de dois fatores habilitada, são incluídas quando autenticadas por meio de autenticação básica ou do OAuth com o escopo user
List followers of the authenticated user
Lists the people following the authenticated user.
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Query parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integerThe number of results per page (max 100). Default: |
page integerPage number of the results to fetch. Default: |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
200 | OK |
304 | Not modified |
401 | Requires authentication |
403 | Forbidden |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 200
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
List the people the authenticated user follows
Lists the people who the authenticated user follows.
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Query parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integerThe number of results per page (max 100). Default: |
page integerPage number of the results to fetch. Default: |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
200 | OK |
304 | Not modified |
401 | Requires authentication |
403 | Forbidden |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 200
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
Check if a person is followed by the authenticated user
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
204 | if the person is followed by the authenticated user |
304 | Not modified |
401 | Requires authentication |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | if the person is not followed by the authenticated user |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
if the person is followed by the authenticated user
Status: 204
Follow a user
Note that you'll need to set Content-Length
to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see "HTTP verbs."
Following a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with basic auth or OAuth with the user:follow
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
204 | No Content |
304 | Not modified |
401 | Requires authentication |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-X PUT \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 204
Unfollow a user
Unfollowing a user requires the user to be logged in and authenticated with basic auth or OAuth with the user:follow
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
204 | No Content |
304 | Not modified |
401 | Requires authentication |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 204
List followers of a user
Lists the people following the specified user.
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
Query parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integerThe number of results per page (max 100). Default: |
page integerPage number of the results to fetch. Default: |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
200 | OK |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 200
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
List the people a user follows
Lists the people who the specified user follows.
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
Query parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
per_page integerThe number of results per page (max 100). Default: |
page integerPage number of the results to fetch. Default: |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
200 | OK |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
Status: 200
"login": "octocat",
"id": 1,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",
"gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
"starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}",
"subscriptions_url": "",
"organizations_url": "",
"repos_url": "",
"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
"type": "User",
"site_admin": false
Check if a user follows another user
Headers |
Name, Type, Description |
accept stringSetting to |
Path parameters |
Name, Type, Description |
username stringRequiredThe handle for the GitHub user account. |
target_user stringRequired |
Códigos de status de resposta HTTP
Código de status | Descrição |
204 | if the user follows the target user |
404 | if the user does not follow the target user |
Exemplos de código
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
if the user follows the target user
Status: 204