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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise foi descontinuada em 2022-06-03. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, melhorar a segurança e novos recursos, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. Para ajuda com a atualização, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Trabalhos de fluxo de trabalho

A API de Trabalhos de Fluxo de Trabalho permite que você visualize logs e trabalhos de fluxo de trabalho.

Sobre a API de trabalhos de fluxo de trabalho

A API de Trabalhos de Fluxo de Trabalho permite que você visualize logs e trabalhos de fluxo de trabalho. A tarefa de um fluxo de trabalho é um conjunto de etapas que são realizadas no mesmo executor. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Sintaxe de fluxo de trabalho para GitHub Actions".

Esta API está disponível para usuários autenticados, Aplicativos OAuth e Aplicativos do GitHub. Os tokens de acesso exigem o escopo repositório para repositórios privados e escopo public_repo para públicos. Aplicativos do GitHub deve ter a permissão de ações para usar essa API.

Get a job for a workflow run

Works with GitHub Apps

Gets a specific job in a workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.


Nome, Tipo, Descrição

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.

Path parameters
Nome, Tipo, Descrição

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The unique identifier of the job.

HTTP response status codes

Status codeDescrição


Amostras de código

curl \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/jobs/JOB_ID


Status: 200
{ "id": 399444496, "run_id": 29679449, "run_url": "", "node_id": "MDEyOldvcmtmbG93IEpvYjM5OTQ0NDQ5Ng==", "head_sha": "f83a356604ae3c5d03e1b46ef4d1ca77d64a90b0", "url": "", "html_url": "", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "started_at": "2020-01-20T17:42:40Z", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T17:44:39Z", "name": "build", "steps": [ { "name": "Set up job", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 1, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:40.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:41.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run actions/checkout@v2", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 2, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:41.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Set up Ruby", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 3, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run actions/cache@v3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 4, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:48.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Install Bundler", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 5, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:48.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:52.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Install Gems", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 6, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:52.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:53.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run Tests", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 7, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:53.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:59.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Deploy to Heroku", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 8, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:59.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Post actions/cache@v3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 16, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Complete job", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 17, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" } ], "check_run_url": "" }

Download job logs for a workflow run

Works with GitHub Apps

Gets a redirect URL to download a plain text file of logs for a workflow job. This link expires after 1 minute. Look for Location: in the response header to find the URL for the download. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.


Nome, Tipo, Descrição

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.

Path parameters
Nome, Tipo, Descrição

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The unique identifier of the job.

HTTP response status codes

Status codeDescrição


Amostras de código

curl \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/jobs/JOB_ID/logs


Status: 302

List jobs for a workflow run

Works with GitHub Apps

Lists jobs for a workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint. You can use parameters to narrow the list of results. For more information about using parameters, see Parameters.


Nome, Tipo, Descrição

Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.

Path parameters
Nome, Tipo, Descrição

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The name of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.


The unique identifier of the workflow run.

Parâmetros de consulta
Nome, Tipo, Descrição

Filters jobs by their completed_at timestamp. latest returns jobs from the most recent execution of the workflow run. all returns all jobs for a workflow run, including from old executions of the workflow run.

Padrão: latest

Pode ser uma das ações a seguir: latest, all


The number of results per page (max 100).

Padrão: 30


Page number of the results to fetch.

Padrão: 1

HTTP response status codes

Status codeDescrição


Amostras de código

curl \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ -H "Authorization: token <TOKEN>" \ http(s)://HOSTNAME/api/v3/repos/OWNER/REPO/actions/runs/RUN_ID/jobs


Status: 200
{ "total_count": 1, "jobs": [ { "id": 399444496, "run_id": 29679449, "run_url": "", "node_id": "MDEyOldvcmtmbG93IEpvYjM5OTQ0NDQ5Ng==", "head_sha": "f83a356604ae3c5d03e1b46ef4d1ca77d64a90b0", "url": "", "html_url": "", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "started_at": "2020-01-20T17:42:40Z", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T17:44:39Z", "name": "build", "steps": [ { "name": "Set up job", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 1, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:40.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:41.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run actions/checkout@v2", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 2, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:41.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Set up Ruby", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 3, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run actions/cache@v3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 4, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:45.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:48.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Install Bundler", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 5, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:48.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:52.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Install Gems", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 6, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:52.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:53.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Run Tests", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 7, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:53.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:59.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Deploy to Heroku", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 8, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:42:59.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Post actions/cache@v3", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 16, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" }, { "name": "Complete job", "status": "completed", "conclusion": "success", "number": 17, "started_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00", "completed_at": "2020-01-20T09:44:39.000-08:00" } ], "check_run_url": "", "labels": [ "self-hosted", "foo", "bar" ], "runner_id": 1, "runner_name": "my runner", "runner_group_id": 2, "runner_group_name": "my runner group" } ] }