ノート: GitHubホストランナーは、現在GitHub Enterprise Serverでサポートされていません。 GitHubパブリックロードマップで、計画されている将来のサポートに関する詳しい情� �を見ることができます。
This guide explains how to use GitHub Actions to build and deploy a project to Azure Kubernetes Service.
GitHub Actionsワークフローを作成する前に、まず以下のセットアップのステップを完了しておかなければなりません。
Create a target AKS cluster and an Azure Container Registry (ACR). For more information, see "Quickstart: Deploy an AKS cluster by using the Azure portal - Azure Kubernetes Service" and "Quickstart - Create registry in portal - Azure Container Registry" in the Azure documentation.
Create a secret called
to store your Azure credentials. For more information about how to find this information and structure the secret, see theAzure/login
action documentation.
The following example workflow demonstrates how to build and deploy a project to Azure Kubernetes Service when code is pushed to your repository.
Under the workflow env
key, change the following values:
to the name of your container registryPROJECT_NAME
to the name of your projectRESOURCE_GROUP
to the resource group containing your AKS clusterCLUSTER_NAME
to the name of your AKS cluster
This workflow uses the helm
render engine for the azure/k8s-bake
action. If you will use the helm
render engine, change the value of CHART_PATH
to the path to your helm file. Change CHART_OVERRIDE_PATH
to an array of override file paths. If you use a different render engine, update the input parameters sent to the azure/k8s-bake
# このワークフローはGitHubによって認定されていないアクションを使用します。
# それらはサードパーティによって提供され、
# 別個の利用規約、プライバシーポリシー、
# サポートドキュメンテーションが適用されます。
name: Build and deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service
AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY: MY_REGISTRY_NAME # set this to the name of your container registry
PROJECT_NAME: MY_PROJECT_NAME # set this to your project's name
RESOURCE_GROUP: MY_RESOURCE_GROUP # set this to the resource group containing your AKS cluster
CLUSTER_NAME: MY_CLUSTER_NAME # set this to the name of your AKS cluster
REGISTRY_URL: MY_REGISTRY_URL # set this to the URL of your registry
# If you bake using helm:
CHART_PATH: MY_HELM_FILE # set this to the path to your helm file
CHART_OVERRIDE_PATH: MY_OVERRIDE_FILES # set this to an array of override file paths
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- name: Azure Login
uses: azure/login@89d153571fe9a34ed70fcf9f1d95ab8debea7a73
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- name: Build image on ACR
uses: azure/CLI@7378ce2ca3c38b4b063feb7a4cbe384fef978055
azcliversion: 2.29.1
inlineScript: |
az configure --defaults acr=${{ env.AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY }}
az acr build -t -t ${{ env.REGISTRY_URL }}/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}:${{ github.sha }}
- name: Gets K8s context
uses: azure/aks-set-context@4e5aec273183a197b181314721843e047123d9fa
creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
resource-group: ${{ env.RESOURCE_GROUP }}
cluster-name: ${{ env.CLUSTER_NAME }}
id: login
- name: Configure deployment
uses: azure/k8s-bake@773b6144a3732e3bf4c78b146a0bb9617b2e016b
renderEngine: 'helm'
helmChart: ${{ env.CHART_PATH }}
overrideFiles: ${{ env.CHART_OVERRIDE_PATH }}
overrides: |
helm-version: 'latest'
id: bake
- name: Deploys application
- uses: Azure/k8s-deploy@c8fbd76ededaad2799c054a9fd5d0fa5d4e9aee4
manifests: ${{ steps.bake.outputs.manifestsBundle }}
images: |
${{ env.AZURE_CONTAINER_REGISTRY }}.azurecr.io/${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}:${{ github.sha }}
imagepullsecrets: |
${{ env.PROJECT_NAME }}
追� リソース
- For the original starter workflow, see
in the GitHub Actionsstarter-workflows
repository. - The actions used to in this workflow are the official Azure
, andAzure/k8s-deploy
actions. - For more examples of GitHub Action workflows that deploy to Azure, see the actions-workflow-samples repository.