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Working with Support for GitHub Actions

Learn how GitHub Support can assist with GitHub Actions

You can contact GitHub Support for assistance with GitHub Actions.

Providing diagnostic and troubleshooting information

The contents of private and internal repositories are not visible to GitHub Support, so GitHub Support may request additional information to understand the complete context of your inquiry and reproduce any unexpected behavior. You can accelerate the resolution of your inquiry by providing this information when you initially raise a ticket with GitHub Support.

Some information that GitHub Support will request can include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • The URL of the workflow run.

    For example:

  • The workflow .yml file(s) attached to the ticket as .txt files. For more information about workflows, see "ワークフローについて."

  • A copy of your workflow run logs for an example workflow run failure. For more information about workflow run logs, see "Using workflow run logs."

  • If you are running this workflow on a self-hosted runner, self-hosted runner logs which can be found under the _diag folder within the runner. For more information about self-hosted runners, see "セルフホストランナーのモニタリングとトラブルシューティング."

    Self-hosted runner log file names are be formatted: Runner_YYYY####-xxxxxx-utc.log and Worker_YYYY####-xxxxxx-utc.log.

Note: Attach files to your support ticket by changing the file's extension to .txt or .zip. If you include textual data such as log or workflow file snippets inline in your ticket, ensure they are formatted correctly as Markdown code blocks. For more information about proper Markdown formatting, see "基本的な書き方とフォーマットの構文."

If the information you provide is unreadable due to the loss of formatting by improper Markdown syntax, GitHub Support may request that resubmit the information either as an attachment or with the correct Markdown formatting.

Warning: Ensure all files and text provided to GitHub Support have been properly redacted to remove sensitive information such as tokens and other secrets.

Ephemeral Runner Application Log Files

GitHub Support may request the runner application log files from ephemeral runners. GitHub expects and recommends that you have implemented a mechanism to forward and preserve the runner application log files from self-hosted ephemeral runners. For more information about runner application log files and troubleshooting self-hosted runners, see "セルフホストランナーのモニタリングとトラブルシューティング."

Actions Runner Controller

If you are using Actions Runner Controller (ARC), GitHub Support may ask you to submit the complete logs for the controller, listeners, and runner pods. For more information about collecting Actions Runner Controller's logs, see "Actions Runner Controller エラーのトラブルシューティング."

For more information about the scope of support for Actions Runner Controller, see "アクション ランナー コントローラーのサポートについて."

CodeQL and GitHub Actions

If you are requesting assistance with a CodeQL 分析ワークフロー, GitHub Support may request a copy of the CodeQL debugging artifacts. For more information about debugging artifacts for a CodeQL 分析ワークフロー, see "ログの詳細が十分ではない."

To provide the debugging artifacts to GitHub Support, please download the CodeQL debugging artifacts from a sample workflow run and attach it to your ticket as a .zip file. For more information on downloading workflow artifacts, see "ワークフローの成果物をダウンロードする."

If the CodeQL debugging artifacts .zip file is too large to upload to the ticket, please advise GitHub Support, and we will work with you to determine the next steps.

Scope of support

サポートリクエストが弊社のチームが支援できるスコープ外だった場合、GitHub Support外で問題を解決するための次のステップをおすすめすることがあります。 サポートリクエストが主に以下の内容に関するものであれば、おそらくGitHub Supportのスコープ外になります。

  • Jira などの第三者の統合
  • Enterprise Cloud Importer (エキスパート主導の移行でのみ利用可能)
  • CI/CD (Jenkins など)
  • スクリプトの記述
  • SAML ID プロバイダーなどの外部認証システムの構成
  • オープン ソース プロジェクト
  • CodeQLの新しいクエリの作成あるいはデバッグ
  • 仮想ネットワークのセットアップ、カスタム ファイアウォール、プロキシ規則など、クラウド プロバイダーの構成。
  • Kubernetes のセットアップ、ネットワークなどのコンテナー オーケストレーション。
  • ワークフローとデータ管理に関する詳細なサポート
  • ベータ版の機能。 ベータ版の機能のサポートは、GitHub Support の範囲外です。 ベータ版の機能のサポートについては、GitHub の営業チーム のアカウント マネージャーにお問い合わせください。

ワークフローとデータ管理の詳細については、GitHub Expert Services を参照してください。このサービスには、プラットフォームの使用を最適化するための専門のサポートが用意されています。
