About GitHub Actions for enterprises
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. With GitHub Actions, your enterprise can automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows like testing and deployments. For more information, see "About GitHub Actions for enterprises."
GitHub Actions is available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or higher. If you're using an earlier version of GitHub Enterprise Server, you'll have to upgrade to use GitHub Actions. Para obtener más información sobre cómo mejorar tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, consulta la sección "Acerca de las mejoras a los lanzamientos nuevos".
Antes de que incluyas las GitHub Actions en una empresa grande, primero necesitas planear tu adopción y tomar las decisiones de cómo tu empresa utilizará GitHub Actions para apoyar de la mejor forma a tus necesidades únicas.
Governance and compliance
You should create a plan to govern your enterprise's use of GitHub Actions and meet your compliance obligations.
Determine which actions your developers will be allowed to use. First, decide whether you'll enable access to actions from outside your instance. Si los usuarios de tu empresa necesitan acceso a otras acciones desde GitHub.com o GitHub Marketplace, hay algunas cuantas opciones de configuración. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Acerca de utilizar acciones en tu empresa".
Then, decide whether you'll allow third-party actions that were not created by GitHub. You can configure the actions that are allowed to run at the repository, organization, and enterprise levels and can choose to only allow actions that are created by GitHub. If you do allow third-party actions, you can limit allowed actions to those created by verified creators or a list of specific actions. Para obtener más información, consulta las secciones "Administrar los ajustes de las GitHub Actions para un repositorio", "Inhabilitar o limitar las GitHub Actions para tu organización" y "Requerir políticas para las GitHub Actions en tu empresa".
You can access information about activity related to GitHub Actions in the audit logs for your enterprise. If your business needs require retaining audit logs for longer than six months, plan how you'll export and store this data outside of GitHub. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Transmitir la bitácora de auditoría".
You should plan your approach to security hardening for GitHub Actions.
Security hardening individual workflows and repositories
Make a plan to enforce good security practices for people using GitHub Actions features within your enterprise. For more information about these practices, see "Security hardening for GitHub Actions."
You can also encourage reuse of workflows that have already been evaluated for security. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección de "Innersourcing".
Securing access to secrets and deployment resources
You should plan where you'll store your secrets. We recommend storing secrets in GitHub, but you might choose to store secrets in a cloud provider.
In GitHub, you can store secrets at the repository or organization level. Secrets at the repository level can be limited to workflows in certain environments, such as production or testing. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Secretos cifrados".
Security considerations for third-party actions
There is significant risk in sourcing actions from third-party repositories on GitHub. If you do allow any third-party actions, you should create internal guidelines that encourage your team to follow best practices, such as pinning actions to the full commit SHA. For more information, see "Using third-party actions."
Think about how your enterprise can use features of GitHub Actions to innersource automation. Innersourcing is a way to incorporate the benefits of open source methodologies into your internal software development cycle. For more information, see An introduction to innersource in GitHub Resources.
To provide a starting place for developers building new workflows, you can use starter workflows. This not only saves time for your developers, but promotes consistency and best practice across your enterprise. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Crear flujos de trabajo iniciales para tu organización".
Managing resources
You should plan for how you'll manage the resources required to use GitHub Actions.
GitHub Actions workflows require runners. Necesitarás hospedar tus propios ejecutores instalando la aplicación de ejecutores auto-hospedados de GitHub Actions en tus propias máquinas. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Acerca de los ejecutores auto-hospedados".
Decide si quieres utilizar máquinas físicas, virtuales o contenedores para tus ejecutores auto-hospedados. Las máquinas físicas conservarán los restos de los jobs anteriores, así como las máquinas virtuales, a menos de que utilices una imagen nueva para cada job o que limpies las máquinas después de cada ejecución de un job. If you choose containers, you should be aware that the runner auto-updating will shut down the container, which can cause workflows to fail. You should come up with a solution for this by preventing auto-updates or skipping the command to kill the container.
You also have to decide where to add each runner. You can add a self-hosted runner to an individual repository, or you can make the runner available to an entire organization or your entire enterprise. Adding runners at the organization or enterprise levels allows sharing of runners, which might reduce the size of your runner infrastructure. You can use policies to limit access to self-hosted runners at the organization and enterprise levels by assigning groups of runners to specific repositories or organizations. Para obtener más información, consulta las secciones "Agregar ejecutores auto-hospedados" y "Administrar el acceso a los ejecutores auto-hospedados utilizando grupos".
Finally, you should consider security hardening for self-hosted runners. For more information, see "Security hardening for GitHub Actions."
Los artefactos te habilitan para compartir datos entre jobs en un flujo de trabajo y para almacenar datos una vez que este flujo se complete. For more information, see "Storing workflow data as artifacts."
You must configure external blob storage for these artifacts. Decide which supported storage provider your enterprise will use. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Iniciar con las GitHub Actions para GitHub Enterprise Server".
Predeterminadamente, GitHub Enterprise Server almacena las bitácoras de compilación y los artefactos durante 90 días y este periodo de retención se puede personalizar. Para obtener más información, consulta la sección "Límites de uso, facturación y administración".
If you want to retain logs and artifacts longer than the upper limit you can configure in GitHub Enterprise Server, you'll have to plan how to export and store the data.
Tracking usage
Debes considerar hacer un plan para rastrear el uso que tu empresa tiene para las GitHub Actions, tal como qué tan a menudo se ejecutan los flujos de trabajo, cuántas de estas ejecuciones están pasando y fallando y qué repositorios están utilizando cuáles flujos de trabajo.
You can use webhooks to subscribe to information about workflow jobs and workflow runs. For more information, see "About webhooks."
Make a plan for how your enterprise can pass the information from these webhooks into a data archiving system. You can consider using "CEDAR.GitHub.Collector", an open source tool that collects and processes webhook data from GitHub. For more information, see the Microsoft/CEDAR.GitHub.Collector
You should also plan how you'll enable your teams to get the data they need from your archiving system.