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SAML and GitHub Apps

If your organization uses SAML SSO, you may need to start an active SAML session for your organization before authorizing, installing, or requesting a GitHub App.

Authorizing GitHub Apps for SAML users

If your organization uses SAML SSO, you may not be able to see your organization's resources after you authorize a GitHub App. For example, if the app displays a list of repositories, you may not see repositories owned by your organization. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to start an active SAML session for your organization. Replace ORGANIZATION-NAME with the name of your organization.
  2. Revoke your authorization of the GitHub App. For more information, see Reviewing and revoking authorization of GitHub Apps.
  3. Reauthorize the GitHub App. GitHub App authorization is initiated by the app and varies based on the app. For example, some GitHub Apps may have you click on a link or enter a command in your terminal. For more information, see Authorizing GitHub Apps.

Installing or requesting GitHub Apps for SAML users

If your organization uses SAML, you may not see your organization listed when you try to install or request an GitHub App for your organization. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to start an active SAML session for your organization. Replace ORGANIZATION-NAME with the name of your organization.
  2. Try to install or request the GitHub App again. For more information, see Installing a GitHub App from a third party, Installing a GitHub App from GitHub Marketplace for your organizations, and Requesting a GitHub App from your organization owner.