When you contact GitHub Enterprise 支持, you can choose one of four priorities for the ticket: 紧急, 高, 普通, or 低.
GitHub 可随时自行决定修改事件单的优先级,并且在确定和缓解问题的主要原� 后,可能会降低事件单的优先级。
Ticket priority for GitHub Enterprise Server
优先级 | 描述 | 示例 |
紧急 | GitHub Enterprise Server 在生产环境中出现故障,并且该故障直接影响您的业务运营。 对 紧急 优先级事件单的支持服务只以英语提供。 |
高 | GitHub Enterprise Server 在生产环境中出现故障,但对您的业务影响有限。 |
普通 | 您在 GitHub Enterprise Server 方面遇到了有限或普通问题,或者对于实例运行有一般性疑虑或问题。 |
低 | 您对于 GitHub Enterprise Server 有问题或建议,但并不紧迫,或者该问题不影响团队的生产力。 |
Ticket priority for Advanced Security
Priority | Description |
高 | Advanced Security is not functioning or is stopped or severely impacted such that the end user cannot reasonably continue use of the software and no workaround is available. |
普通 | Advanced Security is functioning inconsistently, causing impaired end user usage and productivity. |
低 | Advanced Security is functioning consistently, but the end user requests minor changes in the software, such as documentation updates, cosmetic defects, or enhancements. |