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Автоматическое добавление элементов

Встроенные рабочие процессы проекта можно настроить для автоматического добавления элементов из repositories, соответствующий фильтру.

About automatically adding items

You can configure your project's built-in workflows to automatically add new items as they are created or updated in a repository. You can define a filter to only add items that meet your criteria. You can also create multiple auto-add workflows, each workflow can have a unique filter and target a different repository.

When you enable the auto-add workflow, existing items matching your criteria will not be added. The workflow will add items when created or updated if the item matches your filter. For more information on manually adding items, see "Adding items to your project."

The auto-add workflow supports a subset of filters. You can use the following filters when configuring your workflow.

QualifierPossible values
isopen, closed, merged, draft, issue, pr
label"label name"
reasoncompleted, reopened, "not planned"
assigneeGitHub username
nolabel, assignee, reason

All filters, other than no, support negation. For example, you could use -label:bug to add issues that do not have the "bug" label.

The auto-add workflow is limited per plan.

ProductMaximum auto-add workflows
GitHub Free1
GitHub Pro5
GitHub Team5
GitHub Enterprise Cloud20
GitHub Enterprise Server20

Configuring the auto-add workflow in your project

  1. Navigate to your project.

  2. In the top-right, click to open the menu.

    Screenshot showing a project's menu bar. The menu icon is highlighted with an orange outline.

  3. In the menu, click Workflows.

  4. In the "Default workflows" list, click Auto-add to project or one of the auto-add workflows you have previously duplicated.

  5. To start editing the workflow, in the top right, click Edit.

    Screenshot showing the workflow menu bar. The "Edit" button is highlighted with an orange rectangle.

  6. Under "Filters", select the repository you want to add items from.

  7. Next to the repository selection, type the filter criteria you want items to match before they are automatically added to your project.

  8. To enable the new workflow, click Save and turn on workflow.

Duplicating the auto-add workflow

You can create additional duplicates of the auto-add workflow. Each workflow can target a different repository, allowing you to add items from up to four repositories. You can target the same repository with multiple workflows if the filter is unique for each workflow.

Once you have duplicated a workflow, you can click Edit to start making changes to it. For more information, see "Configuring the auto-add workflow in your project."

  1. Navigate to your project.

  2. In the top-right, click to open the menu.

    Screenshot showing a project's menu bar. The menu icon is highlighted with an orange outline.

  3. In the menu, click Workflows.

  4. In the list of workflows, next to "Auto-add to project" click .

    Screenshot showing the list of workflows. The ellipsis button next to the auto-add workflow is highlighted with an orange rectangle.

  5. In the menu, click Duplicate workflow.

  6. To save your new workflow, when prompted, type the name you want to use for the new workflow.

Further reading