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Edição de uma configuração de segurança personalizada

Altere as configurações de habilitação em sua custom security configuration para atender melhor às necessidades de segurança dos repositórios.

Quem pode usar esse recurso?

Proprietários e membros da empresa com a função administrador

About editing a custom security configuration

After creating and applying a custom security configuration, you may need to edit the enablement settings for that configuration to better secure your repositories. Any changes you make to the enablement settings of a security configuration will automatically populate to all linked repositories.


The GitHub-recommended security configuration is managed by GitHub and cannot be edited. If you would like to customize your security enablement settings, you need to create a custom security configuration. For more information, see Creating a custom security configuration for your enterprise.

Modifying your custom security configuration

  1. In the top-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo.

  2. Depending on your environment, click Your enterprise, or click Your enterprises then click the enterprise you want to view.

  3. At the top of the page, click Settings.

  4. In the left sidebar, click Code security.

  5. In the "Configurations" section, click the name of the custom security configuration you want to edit.

  6. Edit the name and description of your custom security configuration as desired.

  7. In the "Security settings" section, edit the enablement settings of your custom security configuration as desired.

  8. In the "Policy" section, you can modify the configuration's enforcement status. Enforcing a configuration will block repository owners from changing features that are enabled or disabled by the configuration, but features that are not set aren't enforced. Next to "Enforce configuration", select Enforce or Don't enforce from the dropdown menu.


    If a user in your enterprise attempts to change the enablement status of a feature in an enforced configuration using the REST API, the API call will appear to succeed, but no enablement statuses will change.

    Some situations can break the enforcement of security configurations for a repository. For example, the enablement of code scanning will not apply to a repository if:

    • GitHub Actions is initially enabled on the repository, but is then disabled in the repository.
    • GitHub Actions required by code scanning configurations are not available in the repository.
    • The definition for which languages should not be analyzed using code scanning default setup is changed.
  9. To apply your changes, click Update configuration.